Image showing customers of a business


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Starting a new business is an exciting endeavour, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, one of the most crucial being acquiring your first customers. These initial customers provide the necessary revenue and serve as testimonials and references for future clients. So, how do you find your first 10 customers? This article will explore some practical strategies to kickstart your customer acquisition process.

Getting your first 10 customers onboard should occur at the earliest stage of your development. That’s where low-cost, high-impact marketing efforts come into play. The aim of early-stage customer acquisition is basically to acquire resellers and turn them into loyal, paying customers

How to Get Your First 10 Customers

Finding your first 10 customers involves several steps. The first is to determine whether your particular startup is, in fact, profitable. Startup capital will always be necessary. Many small and medium-sized businesses rely on their “founders” to provide seed money. As a result, some startups choose to focus on user acquisition and pay-per-click strategies, while others look towards acquisitions.

Define Your Ideal Customer

Before attracting your first customers, you need to know who they are. Create a detailed customer persona by considering demographics, psychographics, and pain points. Understanding your ideal customer will help tailor your marketing efforts and product/service offerings to meet their needs.

How do you know if you’re developing a sound customer base? Or at least a large percentage of those interested in your niche? It’s best to get some quantitative data before you engage in direct sales. This will allow you to set up goals for your company. And have a clearly defined goal to follow through with. Many startup companies think in terms of quantity when it comes to customers and often treat each customer acquisition as an isolated event. However, the best way to acquire quality customers is to go from a quality to a quantity first strategy . Then work towards quality throughout the entire business.

Leverage Your Network

Start with your personal and professional network. Friends, family, and colleagues can be your first customers or refer you to potential clients. Networking events, both online and offline, are excellent opportunities to expand your circle and make valuable connections.

Another way to find your first customers is by engaging in direct sales with your targeted audiences. Although this method may not generate as much immediate revenue as acquiring new customers, it does help you build a strong customer base in the process. It also gives you a chance to gain first-hand experience with potential customers and gain brand recognition. The most successful companies realize this and make the effort to engage with customers early on.

Offer a Compelling Value Proposition

Your product or service needs to offer a clear and compelling value proposition. Explain how it solves a specific problem or fulfils your target audience’s needs. Use persuasive language and concise messaging to communicate this value effectively.

Build an Online Presence

In today’s digital world, having an online presence is very important. Build a professional website that reflects your offerings and provides contact information. Make use of social media platforms that align with your target audience and engage with potential customers through informative and engaging content.

So how do you identify profitable customer acquisition opportunities? One way to do this is by focusing on acquiring first customers through social media. Social media allows you to reach directly out to the potential customers that you’ve previously targeted while building trust with them. You can also use social media as a funnel to help you gather more data on your prospects. Finally, when you identify a prospect through social media, it’s important to provide them with something in exchange. Such as a free newsletter or a free product.

Social media can use for many things beyond just sharing stories and information about your startup. It can also help you develop relationships with customers and gain trust in what you have to offer. In addition, it can be used to complement other online marketing efforts, like email campaigns and pay-per-click advertisements. A successful startup always incorporates the benefits of social media into its overall plan.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is used to establish your expertise and attract potential customers. Start a blog, create informative videos, or share valuable resources related to your industry. This helps you gain visibility and positions you as a trusted authority.

Utilize Social Proof

Positive reviews and testimonials can significantly influence potential customers. Encourage your early customers to provide feedback and testimonials. Showcase these on your website and marketing materials to build trust with new prospects.

While there are many strategies that startups can implement to get their first customers, there is one that should always be at the top of the list: leveraging social proof. Social proof refers to the reviews and recommendations that people write about a service or product. If you can learn how to find influencers, then you can use their recommendations as a way to attract customers to your site. Finding influencers can take time and effort, but if you have someone on your side that can point you in the right direction, then you can get the ball rolling even faster.

Offer Incentives

To kickstart your customer base, consider offering special promotions, discounts, or incentives for your first customers. This can create a sense of urgency and motivate people to try your product or service.

Attend Trade Shows and Events

Participating in trade shows or industry events will be an effective method to meet potential customers face-to-face. These events allow you to demonstrate your product, answering the questions, and build relationships with potential clients.

Collaborate with Complementary Businesses

Partnering with businesses that complement yours can be mutually beneficial. For example, if you sell fitness equipment, collaborate with local gyms or fitness instructors. They can recommend your products to their clients, helping you reach a broader audience.

If your business isn’t generating any revenue yet, it’s likely that you’ll need to partner with another organization to obtain customers. There are several ways to do this, including outsourcing partner engagements. Similarly, buying ad space in online media platforms or taking advantage of existing partnerships comes under the same umbrella. Before taking on any partner engagements, however, it’s important to determine if acquiring customers is even an effective strategy. After all, if your target market isn’t interested in your product or service, it won’t matter how many customers you acquire.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Your first customers can become your best advocates if you provide exceptional customer service. Go above and beyond to exceed their expectations. Happy customers are likelier to refer others and continue doing business with you.


Acquiring your first ten customers is a critical milestone for any new business. You can jumpstart your customer acquisition process by defining your ideal customer, leveraging your network, offering a compelling value proposition, building an online presence, and utilizing various marketing strategies. Remember that providing exceptional customer service and nurturing relationships with early customers are essential to long-term success.

If you implement these strategies, you’ll secure your first customers and set the stage for future growth and success. Scaalex with a team of highly driven domain experts helps you to achieve this. Using social proof to bring the world to your website can be one of the most important things that you do for your new startup.

Related Topic: Understanding Customer Concentration

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