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Financial Modeling and Forecasting

In the dynamic world of finance, two terms are often mentioned in tandem yet hold distinct meanings and applications: financial modelling and forecasting. Understanding these concepts is vital, especially for startups seeking to navigate the complex scenarios of financial planning and decision-making.

Why Is Forecasting Important?

Forecasting is the process of predicting future financial outcomes based on historical and current data. It is a cornerstone of financial planning, providing businesses with a roadmap for the future. In the context of financial forecasting, the focus is on identifying trends, anticipating changes, and preparing for potential opportunities and risks.

For startups, forecasting is particularly crucial. It serves as a guide for strategic decision-making, from budget allocation to potential investments. By understanding the probable future financial position, startups can make informed decisions that align with their long-term objectives and mitigate potential risks.

What Are the Methods of Financial Forecasting?

There are various methods of financial forecasting, each with its strengths and suitability for different business scenarios. The most common methods include:

  • Time Series Analysis: This method involves analysing historical data to identify trends and patterns. It’s particularly useful for short-term forecasting.
  • Econometric Modeling: This involves using statistical methods to test hypotheses and forecast future trends based on economic theory.
  • Judgmental Forecasting: Here, forecasting is based on intuitive judgments, opinions, and probability estimates. This method is often used when there is a lack of historical data.

Each method has its place in financial forecasting. Startups might lean more towards judgmental forecasting due to the lack of extensive historical data, while established businesses might rely on time series analysis for more accuracy.

Why Is Modeling Important?

Financial modelling, on the other hand, is the process of creating a summary of a company’s expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision. A financial model is a tool used for decision-making, not just prediction.

Financial modelling for startups is indispensable. It enables entrepreneurs to test different scenarios and see their potential financial impact. This is crucial for startups that need to make important decisions on funding, growth strategies, and resource allocation.

Financial Forecasting vs. Financial Modeling

While forecasting and modelling are often used together, they serve different purposes. Financial forecasting is about predicting the future, whereas financial modelling is about exploring what could happen. Forecasting feeds into modelling, providing the necessary data to build realistic and dynamic models.

In financial forecasting, the focus is on external factors and historical data to predict future performance. Financial modelling, however, involves creating hypothetical scenarios to explore a range of outcomes. This could include everything from a new product launch to a major shift in market trends.

Financial Modeling vs. Financial Forecasting Comparison

To further understand the differences and similarities, here’s a comparison:

  • Purpose: Forecasting is about predicting future financial performance. Modelling is about exploring hypothetical scenarios.
  • Scope: Forecasting often has a narrower scope, focused on specific financial metrics. Modelling can encompass a wider range of business variables.
  • Flexibility: Models are typically more flexible, allowing for the adjustment of inputs and assumptions. Forecasting relies more on existing data and trends.
  • Application: Forecasting is often used for budgeting and planning. Modelling is used for strategic decision-making, such as evaluating investment opportunities or assessing the impact of strategic changes.

For startups, both financial modelling and forecasting are essential tools. Forecasting helps in understanding potential future scenarios, while modelling provides a framework for decision-making. In the complex world of business finance, understanding the nuances and applications of financial forecasting and modelling is crucial. While they are interconnected, each serves a unique purpose in the realm of financial planning and analysis. For startups, mastering these tools can be the key to navigating financial challenges and seizing opportunities effectively.


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Startup Business Plan

Setting out on a startup venture in India, a dynamic and thriving developing nation, entails more than just having an innovative idea and a committed team. It calls for the creation of a meticulously crafted startup business plan that not only articulates your vision but also secures the path to success. This is precisely where we come into play, providing in-depth financial modelling and expert guidance on business plans. In this blog, we unravel the pivotal role of startup business plan and comprehensive financial modelling, shedding light on the transformative influence of experienced domain experts in India

Nurturing Dreams: The Significance of Startup Business Plans

Within the thriving ecosystem of startup firms, there’s a constant surge of innovation and boundless opportunities. With startups emerging worldwide, the competition is nothing short of intense, and the risks are substantial. In this ever-evolving landscape, entrepreneurs require more than just a brilliant idea; they must be prepared to distinguish themselves and propel their business to new heights.

Given the intricate and diverse nature of the market, it becomes imperative for startups to seek the guidance – and that’s precisely the role we fulfill here.

Navigating the Startup Landscape

Business plan consultants serve as more than just advisors; they are strategic partners who bring a wealth of experience and insights into the mix. Their role begins with understanding the nuances of the local market. They are well-versed in the economic dynamics, industry trends, and the ever-evolving startup ecosystem of Bangalore.

These consultants assist entrepreneurs in creating a roadmap for their startup journey. They provide guidance in defining the business concept, setting clear objectives, and identifying potential challenges and opportunities. Comprehensive financial modelling is one of their core strengths, enabling startups to make realistic financial projections. Their expertise is pivotal in determining the initial capital required, revenue forecasts, and the overall financial viability of the venture.

The Pivotal Components of a Successful Startup Business Plan

Building a startup and maintaining momentum throughout the journey requires a meticulously crafted plan that encompasses every aspect of the process. Startups thrive on resourcefulness, with each team member often shouldering more responsibilities than their assigned tasks. Therefore, it’s crucial to have well-defined processes and practices, along with comprehensive documentation covering essential elements such as market competition, growth strategies, and more.

At Scaalex we believe that a startup business plan is not merely a set of guidelines; it’s a blueprint for entrepreneurial triumph.

Crafting a comprehensive business plan entails several fundamental components. These includes defining the Unique Selling Proposition (USP), conducting thorough Market Analysis with a focus on competition dynamics, creating Financial Projections, devising Marketing and Sales Strategies for customer acquisition, brand awareness, and achieving sales targets.

Additionally, there’s the crucial aspect of outlining Funding Requirements for operational and growth needs, addressing Risk Assessment and growth potential, and formulating contingency plans for effective risk mitigation. These components collectively contribute to a well-rounded business plan.

Mastering the Craft: Comprehensive Financial Modelling.

Startups in this bustling ecosystem crave more than mere numbers; they hunger for insights that drive their expansion.

Comprehensive financial modelling transcends the realm of basic spreadsheets; it’s an intricate process meticulously examining every financial facet of a business.

From predicting revenues and analysing expenses to projecting cash flows with proper bench marking and research, these models serve as the lifeblood of startup strategies.

They offer a panoramic view of a startup’s financial destiny, facilitating prudent budgeting, resource allocation, and adept risk management.

In the fiercely competitive arena, building a research centric financial modelling isn’t just a choice; it’s an essential prerequisite for sustainable growth and thriving success.

Here are a few relevant scenarios illustrating how comprehensive financial modelling is crucial:

1. Attracting Investors: Startups use detailed financial models to showcase viability, increasing chances of securing funding from investors.

2. Efficient Resource Use: Models help startups optimize resources by predicting cash flows and analysing expenses, ensuring efficient allocation.

3. Risk Mitigation: Financial models identify risks, enabling proactive strategies, and effective risk mitigation in Bangalore’s competitive market.

4. Scaling Operations: Models assist in understanding financial implications, aiding startups in making informed decisions while expanding their operations.

5. Strategic Partnerships: Startups analyse partnership agreements’ financial impact, ensuring mutually beneficial and financially sustainable collaborations.

Partnering for Startup Success

In pulsating startup sphere, the right business plan is the very foundation of triumph. At Scaalex, we understand the heartbeat of this dynamic ecosystem.

With our tailored expertise in comprehensive financial modelling, Business plan services and advisory services, we transform visionary concepts into formidable business strategies to support their growth. Collaborating with us isn’t a choice; it’s a strategic necessity.

Ready to propel your startup toward unparalleled success in this complex market? Let Scaalex be your guiding light. Our expert consultants will not only craft a business plan but sculpt your dreams into tangible achievements.


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Funding For Startups


Funding is the most essential thing required by startups as it is a very difficult procedure to attain funds. Most of start-up fails in India because of lacking adequate funds for the operation.  But now is the best time to get the required funds as the Indian government is promoting a Start-up ecosystem. Funding, as well as fundraising, is the modern language of start-ups that will lead to their growth. So let’s go through and learn how to get funding for startup.

Some of the funding categories which the start-ups can get are as follows.


This is the fund where the entrepreneur himself raises the fund from his side. It is also known as bootstrap funding. With this funding, startups will have their ideas as well as the freedom to make the suitable decision that they feel is correct. Bootstrapping is a great idea for start-up funding especially if the initial business requirement is small. It likewise gives you the opportunity of working for yourself. You’re not liable to anybody and it permits you to watch out for the revenue profit also.


The idea of crowdfunding is very much like mutual funds on an essential level. Here more than one investor is included and they offer a fixed amount of cash according to your business idea, business goal, what and how is the plan of action of the particular business, and plans of making a good amount of profit. All you require to have are individuals who have confidence in your business idea. Crowdfunding helps you to gain an ideal position for the company. There is no particular person from whom we can gather funds. We can collect from any possible medium like friends, family also from the entrepreneur who likes your idea of business to earnings growth.

Venture funding

Venture funding in essence provides funds for the young idealistic entrepreneur for business ideas of very huge future growth potential. A venture capitalist who is of High net worth individuals or company will be investing in your business by understanding the future growth. Venture capitalists invest in equity and once the business releases its IPO or is acquired, they leave.  A proper business plan and financial projections are required for attaining funds for the start-ups.

Angel Investments

There are people with surplus money searching for putting resources into promising new businesses and acquiring their offer once it develops to their latent capacity. They can either work alone or all things considered in an organization to screen new businesses with huge potential. This funding alternative has business minds hoping to procure interest out of your prosperity and they may expect as high as 30% equity too.
Related: Learn how to approach angel investors for funding

Bank loans

For the youthful start-ups in India, the public authority is giving numerous loans which advantage to the business visionary to build up their business. There are good numerous benefits for the entrepreneur by taking such loans which are provided by the government.

Modi government is giving start-ups in India huge benefits like providing a good amount of bank loans to emerging and visionary start-ups. Some of the bank loans provided to the start-up for their development are as follows

1. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

MUDRA gives refinance support to banks/Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) for loaning to micro units that have credit necessities of up to INR 10 Lakh. As per ongoing media reports, in the financial year 2017-18, by and large, business loans worth INR 2.54 Lakh Cr have been named Mudra loans, an increment of 41% from INR 1.80 Lakh Cr loans authorized in this class. All kinds of manufacturing, trading, and service sector activities can get a MUDRA loan.

2. Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS)

The Credit Guarantee Scheme was dispatched by the government to fortify the credit delivery system and to encourage the progression of credit to the MSME area. The lending institutions under this scheme incorporate public, private, and unfamiliar banks, alongside regional rural banks.

3. Stand-up India

This plan by the Indian government encourages bank advances between INR 10 Lakh and INR 1 Cr to at any rate one SC or ST borrower and in any event one woman borrower per bank branch, for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. Up until this point, 3457 online business advances for start-ups have been sanctioned through the Stand-up India platform. Undertakings in trading, manufacturing, or services. On account of non-individual enterprises, in any event, 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake ought to be held by an SC/ST or woman entrepreneur. The borrower ought not to be in default with any bank or financial institution.

4. SIDBI Make in India Soft Loan Fund for MSMEs (SMILE)

The point of this plan is to give delicate advances, in the idea of semi-equity, and term advances on a generally delicate footing to MSMEs to meet the necessary debt-equity ratio for the foundation of new MSMEs and to empower the development of existing ones. New enterprises in manufacturing too as the administration area can apply for this plan. Existing enterprises undertaking expansion, modernization, technology upgrades, or different ventures for developing their business will likewise be covered.

5. Bank Credit Facilitation Scheme

Headed by the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), this plan is focused on meeting the credit needs of the MSME units. The NSIC has joined forces with different banks to give advances to the MSME units. The reimbursement residency of the plan ranges between 5 years and 7 years however in unique cases, it tends to be reached as long as 11 years.

Since the launch of the Start-up India Action Plan and Stand-up India Conspire in January 2016, and the setting up of the Funds of Funds worth INR 10K Cr, more than 50 government plans for small organizations have been set up to help beginning phase start-ups in taking off. These government loans for small-scale industries are a modest bunch of the numerous activities taken by the Indian government to support the simplicity of working together in the country. India positioned 77th in 2018 on the World Bank matrix in ease of doing business, these are some of the possible ways to attain funds for start-ups in India


Securing funding for a startup is undoubtedly a challenging process, but with the right approach and preparation, it can be achieved successfully. By understanding the diverse funding options available, building a solid business plan, showcasing a clear value proposition, and leveraging networking opportunities, aspiring entrepreneurs can increase their chances of attracting potential investors. It is essential to remember that perseverance, adaptability, and a passionate belief in the vision are key elements that can ultimately convince investors to back a startup venture. With India’s thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and the government’s supportive initiatives, the doors to funding are open for innovative ideas that have the potential to shape the future.

Need Help Raising Funds for Your Startup?

Ready to supercharge your startup’s funding journey? With a track record of 250+ global projects and expertise in securing funds ranging from $500K to $150Mn, we’re here to make your fundraising dreams a reality. Let’s connect and strategize – schedule a meeting today!


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Approaching Angel Investors

Who Are Angel Investors?

An angel investor is a person who invests money in new or small business ventures to provide capital for start-ups or expansion. They focus on helping startups to grow and develop their business. Angel investors may be wealthy individuals, family, relatives, venture capitalists, or crowdfunding. They may vary widely, but they are willing to accept risk and demand little or no control with the expectation of getting a reasonable return in the future.

They have a strong belief in the founding team and the product the startup is aiming to build. Typically, they will invest somewhere between $ 25,000-5,00,000 to help a company get started. Attracting Angel Investors is not always easy. Let’s have an insight into tips for approaching angel investors.

1. Prepare a Pitch Deck

The first and foremost tip for approaching an angel investor is to prepare a pitch deck. You may get money from friends and crowdfunding without any plan, but angel investors look for the extra discipline and effort demonstrated in a written project called a Pitch deck. The Pitch deck should be simple, but it should cover all the critical elements of your business. You need to explain the business model, competitors, target market, and exit strategy to your potential investors to let them know about their return in the future.

2. Document your Financial Projections

Angel investors should be well-informed about the numbers involved because every investor likes to see ample, double-digit growth opportunities. It is essential to prepare a profit and loss account, income statement, and cash flow statement and determine the financial position of your business. While preparing your financial projections, it’s most important to be as realistic as possible. Generally, there are five years financial projections shown.

3. Find the Right Angel Investor

It won’t make any sense if an entrepreneur in the chemical industry approaches investors experienced in the agriculture sector. You need to come to angel investors based on your industry. It is easy to find angel investors from online sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and then follow them and maintain relationships by joining investor groups, attending business meetings., thereby expanding business growth in the long run. Moreover, you need to find an angel investor with whom you can get along comfortably. Attract the right people for your business to attract the proper funding.

4. Stay Confident

After a successful pitch, one needs to present their ideas, views, business plan, and financial projections to angel investors confidently. Just demonstrate how intense you are for your idea, how you will market it, and how it will result in higher revenues. Also, don’t worry about your results; make it a point to exhibit sincerity about your startup.

5. Have a Consistent Team

Each team will be unique; however, the possibility that it will play to the organization’s qualities will be reliably significant. Angel investors tend to look at the experience of your team. At least two professional employees are enough to get others to believe in your ideas. You can briefly elaborate on your team’s professional background to prove how they are a good fit.

6. Have a Product/service

Suppose you are working on something more technological. In that case, you need to create a practical demonstration of your product/service idea and turn this idea into reality or marketable so that you can show angel investors that your business plans are achievable. Clearly define your target market, and outline the action plan and product’s USP. So, having a model or sample of your product can help you persuade your investors and get your angel funding quickly.

7. Prepare a Business Plan

A well-written and solid business plan gives you a higher chance of convincing angel investors. Ensure to prepare a business plan so that your angel investors can get an idea about product/service features, competitive advantage, management team, current market position, and benefits/rewards they receive by investing in your business. The goal is to show them that you have the growth potential to become more profitable than other companies they might be looking at.

8. Keep It Simple

Keep things as short and straightforward as possible. Start your pitch with questions that lead to “yes.” Make sure to focus on facts and avoid excessive data that can make your pitch boring. Try to illustrate an idea with a real-life problem.

9. Do Proper Research

You should go through thorough proper research to impress them. Connect investors on LinkedIn and know their business background, and try to understand their needs and preferences. Startups need to know their primary business metrics, industry dynamics and understand the resources required to succeed. Focus primarily on their personal experience. They will invest in you only if they are impressed by the research and the knowledge you have. So, be wise in your research and should know how to look up the right investors.

10.  Apply to Angel Groups

Angel groups are a highly effective way of getting investments. Startups usually connect with them to get access to quality deals and confidence in investing. They may introduce them to multiple angles simultaneously. Angel groups typically support the seed stage of a startup, focused on concentrated geographic regions.

11. Be Realistic

Set a realistic valuation for your startup to attract angels because they want to know the position and the valuation of your business in the market. Exhibiting a successful record of your previous business venture can persuade angel investors to come on board and invest their capital in your business. So, be realistic and don’t overestimate your business.


Angel investors can provide much-needed finance to startup businesses. They are typically established and wealthy individuals. With the right approach, you will be able to move on to the next stage of turning your ideas into reality. Getting funds for your business is undoubtedly tricky but not impossible.

If you find it difficult to reach the right angel investors for your startups, don’t worry! Our team- Scaalex has closely worked with 500+ startups to build funding strategies and investment advice. Drop your requirements, and we will create a customized solution for you.

Read Next: What is Equity Share Investing

Get Investor Ready With Scaalex

Open doors to funding through precise financial modeling, compelling business plans, meticulous due diligence, and accurate valuation reports. Our expert guidance ensures your pitch resonates with angel investors. Book a free consultation call with our experts and discover how our services can elevate your startup.


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Books For Startups


Starting a business is a challenging task for entrepreneurs/founders. An entrepreneur who is preparing to launch a startup may be in search of books. In addition, reading books helps to do things right by looking into the experience of innovative and successful entrepreneurs. Given below are the top 11 must-read books relating to startups for any new founder:

1. Zero to One

Zero to One” is the best startup book written by Peter Thiel (co-founder of Paypal). The word meaning of “Zero to One” means starting ground zero and building a new foundation. He explains that one should think out of the box and create a new brand to be the leader in the market. This book is full of unique and challenging ideas that are hard to ignore for a founder who seeks to survive in the market for a prolonged period and can dare their predetermined belief about what startups or small businesses resemble. One of the best lessons learned from this book is how big companies can set up through irregular insights and conflicting beliefs. No doubt, this book is worth reading.

Image shows startup book written by Peter Thiel

2. The Hard Things About Hard Things

This book by Ben Horowitz (entrepreneur of Silicon Valley) is about Ben’s journey to success. “The hard things about hard things” is an easily readable book that offers sincere advice in case of difficult decisions while operating in a startup like funding, running, and managing with a first-hand approach. Read this book if you plan to start a new venture, no matter what your business is. Along with starting a business, it also covers topics relating to buying, selling, and investing in the business. This book is more suitable for SaaS founders.

The hard things about hard things written by Ben Horowitz

3. The Lean Startup

The lean startup” by Eric Ries is one of the bestseller books in the market. According to Ries’ view, every founder should treat a startup as an experiment. He discusses his business failure in the lean startup and how he spent too much time on the initial product launch. This book teaches you how to operate a new startup with minimal resources and effectively optimize capital and human creativity. His “build-measure-learn feedback loop” hypothesis is presented in this book. It focuses on how businesses should stay away from developing comprehensive strategies and use the idea to eliminate market uncertainty. Further, it explains the lean startup approach in detail and persuades why you should use them. Startup entrepreneurs highly recommend this book.

The lean startup written by Eric Ries

4. Who

The book named” Who” was written by Geoff Smart and Randy Street. Hiring is a complex procedure. In many cases, the biggest mistake made in a startup is hiring.” Who” covers simple steps to improve the hiring process. The author suggests A method for optimal hiring. The A method conveys two basic steps- Create a scorecard (it describes what you want a candidate to accomplish, like desired outcomes, and competencies in a particular role) and Test if the candidates fit the scorecard. It teaches you how to interview and evaluate employees, how to avoid single hiring mistakes and ensure you’re hiring the right person in the right roles.

Image of book called Who written by Geoff Smart and Randy Street.

5. Founders at Work

Founders at Work” by Jessica Livingston (founding partner at Y combinator) conveys engaging interviews with founders of most popular startups such as Steve Wozniak (Apple), Caterina Fake(Flickr), Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Max Levchin (PayPal), Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail). This book shows how these popular technology companies started, how determined and creative they are, how they reacted to situations, and what they did to nurture them. You should read this book if you become an entrepreneur to get an idea about the possibilities and challenges in startups.

Founders at Work startup book

6. Will It Fly

The book named “Will it fly” was written by Pat Flynn. If you are looking for an excellent book for a startup, here it is. Perhaps the most challenging thing about beginning a business is that your idea could drop. “Will it fly” explains your business idea to set yourself up for success and suggest a few tips for running a business in the right direction. The author provides case studies and action-based examples that ensure you get a good idea before you waste your time, money, and effort. You can also discover how to verify and test your theory to see if it can work, how to create a business that fits your skills and goals, how to think when you assess the current market, and so on.

Image of Book called Will it fly

7. The Art of the Start

Guy Kawasaki wrote this book. He talks about essential topics for startup founders like finding a business idea, pitching potential investors, and preparing business models. This book The Art of the Start also covers topics like the art of launching, positioning, socializing, and advertising your startup. Further, it also gives helpful advice for those who intend to launch a new product/service. So whether you’re an entrepreneur or want to add more entrepreneurship within any firm, this book will surely help you get on the right path.

The art of start book

8. E-myth Revisited

The E-myth Revisited” is one of the best books for startups, written by Michael E Gerber, focusing on the myths entrepreneurs have about building a business. He believes that running a business and having technical skills are two different things. Therefore spending no time on the business and spending too much time on business is why most startups fail within starting years. The author explains his growing startup from an entrepreneurial perspective in this book. He also provides powerful insights for running a business confidently and efficiently. He suggests that business people should play the role of three people equally-. They are Entrepreneur, Manager, and Technician. And focus on time to make systems dependent (Your business is the system, not the product you’re selling to consumers). In short, this book is a very entertaining and valuable guide for readers.

The E Myth Revisited startup book

9. Crossing the Chasm

Crossing the Chasm” is a marketing book by  Geoffrey A Moore (Software startup founder).  The book covers the marketing of high-tech products during the early start-up stage. He also explains a gap or chasm between innovators and the mainstream market, so the author dedicates various steps that a high-tech company requires to negotiate through this chasm. According to Moore, marketers should consider only one group of consumers at a time. Besides, he offers outstanding strategies and advice for taking your business from early adopters to mainstream consumers. The success of this book led to a series of follow-up books and consulting companies.

Image of book called Crossing the Chasm

10. Built to Sell

Built to Sell” is a fun read book by John Warrillow, sharing his personal experience about selling his business. The business lesson that Warrillow teaches is translated into a simple story that makes for quick reading. He shows precisely what it takes to create a strong business that can flourish long into the future. He also talks about essential tips for creating value for the business and practical insights for selling a successful business product in the market.

Image shows Built to sell book

11. Rework

The book Rework is written by Jason Fried. concept of Rework, like other business books, teaches entrepreneurs the art of productivity rather than corporate strategy and management. The book’s central theme is employing competition, productivity, advancement, and personal evolution to expand one’s business. It dispels business fallacies, offers entrepreneurs a fundamental viewpoint, and it aids in seeing that challenges are frequently used as justifications. Even if many of the book’s other business-related observations and recommendations are unconventional, they have a significant influence.

Image of startup book called Rework written by Jason Fried

Final Thought

Knowledge is power, and the best place to gather knowledge is through books. Reading startup books helps to increase our imagination and push the business forward. Starting a business may be a terrifying, time-consuming endeavor. However, it might be helpful to occasionally get outside your brain. Also, remember that many successful individuals have been in your current position. One of the books on this list could contain advice for you no matter what problem you’re having running your company.

The most crucial thing to learn from startup business books is to let go of your preconceived notions and be receptive to new information. Make an effort to connect your company with the book’s setting. But if you are too lazy in reading books, you can get more startup guides from our experts. So, without wasting much time, book a slot with us. Scaalex is a team of top domain experts and financial consultants. We worked closely with 270+ startups to build financial projections, valuation reports, business plans, and funding advisories. If you are among the startups lacking adequate financial insights, reach out to us to attain exceptional execution and fundraising results!


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Startup Seed Funding


Seed funding is a crucial stage of a startup’s development, providing the necessary capital to bring an idea to life. Seed funding is the initial investment that a startup receives to get off the ground and cover costs associated with development, marketing, and operations. However, securing seed funding requires entrepreneurs to understand the different fundraising stages, create a compelling pitch, and identify the right investors to approach.

In this blog, we’ll guide you through each stage of seed funding and also discuss its importance, the types of investors you can approach, the factors that investors consider when evaluating startups, how to get seed funding for your startup, and so on. Let’s get started then.

What Is Seed Funding?

Seed funding also known as seed money/seed capital/seed investment refers to the initial capital that a startup receives from investors or venture capitalists to launch and develop their business idea. This type of funding typically occurs during the early stages of a company’s growth, when the business model is still in development and the product/service is not yet fully functional.

Seed funding is usually used to cover the costs of product development, marketing, and operations, and can range from a few hundred thousand dollars to a few million dollars, depending on the needs of the startup.

How To Get Seed Funding?

Obtaining funds to launch a product/service is critical for many startups. To cover this risk, they start approaching external sources. Seed funding, also known as seed money/seed capital/seed investment, is the first key round of funding early-stage startups. Generally, the process may take 3-6 months. It may vary according to startup stages, intended to finance the initial stage operations of startups such as product development, market research, and technology development, contributing to a strong foundation for successful startups. All you need is a practical idea with a strong business plan and management team to convince investors that you have a product prototype or proof of concept for your business. Once the startup establishes a user base and persistent revenue, they can proceed to fund rounds – Series A, B, C, and D. But the founder must have an exact picture of when and how to raise seed funding effectively.

Different Series Of Funding

Series A:

Series A round is used to optimize its user base and product offerings. The venture capitalist is the most common source of funding for series A. The expected capital raised is between $2-$15 million.

How Series A funding works?

During a Series A funding round, the startup’s founders and existing investors will seek out venture capital firms or other institutional investors to provide additional funding. The investors will evaluate the startup’s growth metrics, business plan, and management team before making a decision to invest.

Series B:

In this stage, startups are ready for their development stage. They have substantial knowledge about their product/market and decide to expand to support the company’s growth to the next level. It can acquire up to $7 million to $10 million for funding.

How Series B funding works?

The funding provided in a Series B round is typically larger than that of a Series A, and the valuation of the company is usually higher as well ( between $30 million and $60 million). This allows the company to continue scaling its operations, expanding into new markets, and investing in research and development. The funding may also be used to acquire other companies, hire key executives, or strengthen the company’s balance sheet. Both Series A and B have some similarities in terms of the funding process and the investors involved, with the main difference being additional venture capital firms taking part in bigger investments.

Series C:

Series C funding occurs when a company has already achieved significant scale and is looking to continue growing rapidly. This funding helps to develop new products, expand into new markets or even acquire new companies. This stage sets a goal of raising $26 million on average.

How Series C funding works?

In a Series C funding round, institutional investors such as venture capital firms, private equity firms, hedge funds, and corporate investors are typically involved. These investors are looking for high-growth startups that have already established a significant market presence.
Given the amount of capital required in a Series C funding round, investors often look for opportunities to deploy large amounts of capital into a single investment. This means that the investors involved in this funding round are often larger and more sophisticated than those involved in earlier rounds of funding.

Series D:

Most startups finish raising capital with series C. But when startups can’t achieve targeted goals, they may choose to raise Series D round. It is also known as a Down round.

Sources Of Seed Funding

1. Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping is a self-starting process where founders put their wealth or savings without external help. A small amount of money is set apart for the bootstrapping process at the time of starting a venture. Generally, founders may rely on internal cash flow and business revenue by substantially increasing their valuation or seeking funds from friends and family. It is an inexpensive form of funding because they need not want to return borrowed money from others. After all, it brings financial pressure on them to gain more profit. GoPro, Whole Foods, and Under Armour are some of the companies that have funded through bootstrapping.

2. Corporate seed funds

Another vital source of funding is Corporate seed funds. Big tech companies like Apple, Google, FedEx, and Intel regularly provide them with seed money if they think that startups can be a source of profit or talent for their pool. This funding can contribute to lucrative acquisitions in the future and also brings excellent visibility for startups.

3. Incubators

Business incubators are collaborative programs run mainly by private and public entities that provide all sorts of services ranging from management training, expert advice, office space, and venture capital financing to those at the idea stage. There is no need time limit to the duration of the services provided by Incubators. They invest a small amount of funding and usually don’t take equity from startups. Nevertheless, it helps to shape the business idea perfectly. The main difference between incubators and accelerators is that incubators focus on early-stage startups, whereas accelerators focus on scale-up startup growth.

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the fastest way to raise a small amount of finance from a large number of people. The word “crowd” in crowdfunding refers to the individual investors or enterprises that provide finance using web-based platforms and social networking sites with no upfront fees. It provides funds needed to get a startup off the ground in return for a potential profit or reward. It would be an alternative finance option if you struggled to get bank loans or traditional funding. Equity crowdfunding, Debt crowdfunding, Donation-based crowdfunding, and Reward-based crowdfunding are some of the types of crowdfunding.

5. Accelerators

Accelerators (also known as seed accelerators) will be the startup’s first external finance in most cases. It’s a set timeframe program designed to provide sound advice, mentorship, and resources to support startup growth on a public pitch day or demo. A good startup accelerator scales up business growth for a certain percentage of equity. Y Combinator, TechStars, and Brandery are some of the well-known accelerators in India.

6. Angel investors

Angel investors (also known as seed investors, business angels, and angel funders) are high-net-worth individuals who provide capital in return for ownership equity or convertible debt. Apart from financing, it brings expert advice, stable growth, and a greater return rate. They often save startups at the risk of failing; that’s why they are called Angel investors and invest in small amounts and take more risks when compared to venture capitalists. They may conduct detailed research, competitive analysis, and several rounds of meetings before investing. Angel investors who earned at least $2,00,000 in income or a net worth of $1 million in assets are considered accredited investors by SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission). AngelList, Lead Angels, and Indian Angel Networks are some of the significant Angel networks in India.

7. Venture Capitalist

Venture Capitalist (VC) is the most common method of seed funding. VCs are institutions that finance a significant amount of capital from large companies or corporations. Beyond the budget, it offers services such as industry insights, mentorship, support, and connections. It’s not an easier task to pitch VCs as they tend to invest in startups that show brilliant business plans, strong presentations, and wide-ranging market and growth potential. They usually demand a high equity stake and participation in management decision-making. The average venture capital investment may range from $1 million to $100 million and involves narrow investment criteria.

8. Friends & Family

Friends and family are one of the common sources of seed funding for most early-stage startups. They are often willing to invest in the entrepreneur’s vision and can provide the initial capital needed to get the business off the ground. Seed funding from friends and relatives is typically less formal than traditional seed funding sources, and the terms of the investment can be more flexible. However, it is important to approach them with a solid business plan and clear expectations regarding the investment, in order to avoid potential conflicts down the line which could affect personal life.

State Government’s Seed Funding Schemes:

  • Kerala Govt implemented the Seed Support Scheme to provide monetary help to startups (having an upper limit of INR 15 lakhs ). It aimed to promote innovation-based enterprises’ creation and development, thereby encouraging growth in Kerala state through providing venture creations and increased job opportunities. Kerala Startup Mission enforced this scheme.
  • Govt of Karnataka provides seed funding under the “idea2PoC” program of the Karnataka Startup policy. It aims to provide seed funding to ideas or concepts which are yet to validate the proof of concept. It’s granted only one time, having an upper limit of INR 50 lakhs, and provided in installments over a maximum period of 2 years.
  • Govt of Haryana granted a seed fund of INR 3 lakhs for the authenticity of ideas, prototype development, traveling costs, and expenses for carrying out the initial activities of startups.
  • The Government of Bihar will give a seed grant of up to INR 10 lakh as an interest-free loan for furnishing authenticity of ideas, prototype development, assistance towards traveling costs, and almost all expenses required for setting up startups within ten years.
  • Seed Capital Fund Scheme turned an essential component of the Sher-e-Kashmir Employment and Welfare Programme for Youth (SKEWPY) into the Govt of Jammu and Kashmir (JK) initiative. It is a one-time grant that aims to provide seed funds up to INR 7.5 lakh to contribute to employment opportunities among youth and make business plans profitable.

Getting Seed Funding: Steps Involved

Step 1: Determine What Type of Funding You Need

Before seeking seed funding, it is important to determine the type of funding that is most appropriate for your startup. Seed funding can be in the form of equity, convertible notes, or simple agreements for future equity (SAFEs). Each type of funding has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider which option aligns best with your business goals and needs.

Step 2: Determine How Much to Raise

Once you have decided on the type of funding you need, the next step is to determine how much capital to raise. This will depend on the stage of your startup, your business goals, and your financial projections. You should create a detailed financial plan that outlines your expected expenses and revenue projections for the next few years.

Step 3: Create a Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a visual presentation that outlines your business idea, market opportunity, financial projections, and team. It should be concise, engaging, and persuasive. A pitch deck typically includes slides that cover the following topics:

  • Problem: Define the problem your product or service is solving.
  • Solution: Describe your product or service and how it solves the problem.
  • Market: Define the size of the market opportunity and target customers.
  • Business model: Explain how your company plans to generate revenue.
  • Competition: Describe your competitors and how your product or service is unique.
  • Team: Introduce the key members of your team and their expertise.
  • Financial projections: Outline your revenue projections, expenses, and funding needs.

Step 4: Meet With Investors

Once you have a pitch deck, you can start meeting with potential investors. This can include angel investors, venture capitalists, and even family and friends. You can also attend networking events and pitch competitions to connect with investors.

When meeting with investors, it’s important to be prepared and professional. You should be able to answer questions about your business plan, financial projections, and team. It’s also important, to be honest, and transparent about any risks or challenges your business may face.

Step 5: Negotiate Terms

If an investor is interested in funding your startup, you will need to negotiate the terms of the investment. This can include the amount of funding, equity stake, and other key details. This is typically done through a term sheet, which outlines the main terms of the investment.

It’s important to seek legal advice when negotiating the terms of the investment to ensure that you fully understand the implications of the agreement.

Step 6: Finalize The Deal

Once the parties agree on the terms, the investor will provide the funding to the startup in exchange for an equity stake. At this point, the parties must sign legal documents to finalize the deal.

We Help You Raise Funds Effectively

Looking to raise funds for your startup? Our financial modeling service can help. We work with you to create a detailed financial model, identify sources of funding, develop a pitch deck, and provide ongoing support throughout the fundraising process. Our expertise and guidance can help you increase your chances of securing seed funding and kick-starting your business. Connect with our experts to learn more about our services.

Seed Funding FAQ

1.) How much is seed funding?
Seed funding round amount typically ranges from $500K to $2M. But this can vary depending on factors like location, industry, the track record of the startup founder, and more.

2.) What documents are needed for seed funding?
The specific documents you would need to raise seed funding can vary depending on the investor and industry. But some common documents that you will need are the pitch deck, business plan, financial statements, and projections.

3.) What are the requirements for seed funding for startups?
The requirements for seed funding can vary depending on the investor, but some general requirements include a business idea, an MVP, a capable team, and an idea of your target market.

4.) What comes after seed funding?
After seed funding, startups typically move on to their next round of funding, which is Series A. This round is typically aimed at helping startups expand their operations and develop their products or services further.

5.) How is Seed Funding Different From Series A, B, and C?
Seed funding is the initial stage of funding for a startup, while Series A, B, and C are subsequent rounds of institutional funding used to expand and scale the business. Funding amounts increase with each round, and investors become more involved in the company’s operations as it grows.


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What is Tokenomics?

Tokenomics is an important concept within the cryptocurrency space that has seen rapid growth in the last few years. The word ‘Tokenomics’ is the amalgamation of two words – ‘Token’ and ‘economies’ which refers to the study of the overall economics of a crypto token that includes critical factors, such as issuance, attributes, distribution, supply, demand, and other features. In other words, it explores all the essential parts of a token’s economy and provides a more complete analysis of how coins/tokens work in their respective networks.

A crypto token is a non-native digital asset built by crypto projects on top of an existing blockchain. Whereas economics is a social science that helps to determine how token economics differs from traditional economics. Tokenomics determine two things about a crypto economy – the incentives that set out how the token is distributed and the utility of the tokens that influence its demand. Additionally, it is helpful as guidance to understand how much an asset might be worth in the future.

Major types of tokens

The main types of tokens include:

  • Security token:- Tokens equivalent to ownership rights to gain access to an electronically restricted resource. 
  • Transactional tokens:- These tokens serve as units of account and are exchanged for goods and services. 
  • Utility token:- Tokens designed for a specific purpose or for some use cases is called Utility tokens.
  • Fungible token:- A representation of assets on a blockchain that is divisible, interchangeable, and not unique. For instance; Cryptos like Bitcoin.
  • Non-fungible token:- Non-fungible tokens represent assets that are unique and non-divisible, like a picture or intellectual property.

Why does Tokenomics Matter in Crypto?

Just as central banks leverage monetary policy regarding fiat currencies, the proper design and management of tokenomics allow project teams to create an efficient economy and ensure sustainable long-term development. Tokenomics has a great influence on the future price of a digital asset. 

Tokenomics is a fundamental concept that encourages investors to buy and hold a specific coin or token and determine whether the project can achieve the goals specified in its roadmap. Further, Understanding tokenomics is crucial because it makes one aware of volatility and risk in the market and better assess whether a cryptocurrency is a good investment

Why is Tokenomics important?

Tokenomics is important because:

  • A crucial aspect of the crypto space enabling projects to create trust and a strong ecosystem.
  • It has integrated the incentive structure into crypto tokens.
  • Helps to calculate the token value deriving improved decision-making for investors
  • Helps projects create micro-economies by enabling them to decode how tokens ought to work within the ecosystem to become self-sustaining.
  • Enables teams to design and adapt to a prevailing model or design a new model that matches the project’s aims.

Key elements of good tokenomics

Creating a good tokenomics model is essential as it guarantees that a project will succeed in the long run. Remember to consider these elements before one makes an investing decision:-

  1. Sustainable spending use cases – The token usability should be diverse and adds value to the entire ecosystem.
  2. Liquidity – Have good liquidity across different pairs and exchanges
  3. Scalable – The ecosystem participants can easily send tokens in fast.
  4. Mechanism to stabilize token price – Projects can choose to allocate a portion of profits to token buybacks in market downturn conditions.
  5. Non-rigid emission schedule – Flexible emission schedule allows a project to be responsive to market conditions and project growth rate.
  6. Design simplicity – Simplistic token design adds investor value.
  7. A good tokenomics should motivate people to use it for monetary and personal benefits.

How does crypto tokenomics work?

In the crypto sector, if the supply increases over time, the token then comes under inflationary and vice-versa. 

For example;- A bitcoin is technically inflationary as when the supply increases, it reaches the maximum supply of 21 million. Ethereum is also inflationary, and there are no limits to its supply. On the other hand, BNB is deflationary since the team behind it removes tokens from circulation and reduces the supply.

The next element of tokenomics is managing a cryptocurrency supply during the transaction validation process. Many cryptocurrencies add new tokens to circulation where users help validate transactions that reward with tokens, including both incentivizing chipping in and increasing the supply.

Deflationary cryptocurrencies are about to remove tokens from circulation. Some burn a portion of users’ transaction fees, and others take a tax out of every transaction and burn part of it. The burned tokens are sent to a burning wallet, an inaccessible wallet address that ensures the tokens are gone forever.

Tokenomics: 5 Factors to Consider 

Token utility:– 

The utility is the major part factor of tokenomics as it denotes the use case or the problems it aims to solve. The token utility is responsible for creating demand, which escalates the digital asset’s value if the supply stays the same or reduces. There are many other use cases for tokens. 

For instance:- ETH covers transaction fees, deployment of dApps, and smart contracts. Bitcoin is utilized as store of value and a medium of exchange. Governance tokens allow the holder to vote on changes to a token’s protocol. 

Token supply:

Supply and demand are the primary factors impacting the crypto price. There are two major metrics measuring a token’s supply. One is a maximum supply which defines the maximum number of tokens coded to exist in the lifetime of this cryptocurrency. For instance:- Bitcoin has a maximum supply of 21 million coins. Litecoin has a hard cap of 84 million coins, and BNB has a maximum supply of 200 million. Some tokens such as USDT, USD Coin (USDC), and Binance USD (BUSD)  don’t have a maximum supply. Next is circulating supply which refers to the number of tokens in circulation, where we can add, remove, or lock the tokens. 

Crypto projects also have a direct influence on its price to manage the supply of tokens  in the following ways:-

  • If the token’s supply increases while demand stays the same, it will lead to a fall in its price.
  • On the other hand, the coin’s price will increase with the decrease in the supply (while the demand remains unchanged).

Crypto projects can control the supply of their tokens in the following two ways:-

  • By (not) limiting the number of coins that can be issued (maximum supply).
  • By implementing a price stability mechanism that moves coins out of circulation. (e.g., coin burnings and buybacks, as well as the halving in BTC’s case)

Therefore, it is essential to examine digital asset dynamics that directly impact its supply before investing in a coin/token.

Analyzing token distribution:-

Token distribution is a crucial element in tokenomics, where developers of a cryptocurrency initially distribute tokens. No one can use its network or access assets that empower the platform if the project fails to introduce/distribute tokens to its users. Token distribution greatly influences finding out whether a crypto project has the necessary funding to achieve its goal on its roadmap.  A fair launch and a pre-mining launch are the major ways to distribute tokens to the market.

  •  A fair launch is when there is no early access or private allocations before a token mint and distributed to the public. BTC and Dogecoin are examples of this category. 
  • On the other hand, pre-mining allows a portion of the crypto to mint and then distributes to a particular group before offering to the public. Ethereum and BNB are two examples of this type of token distribution. 

Distributing coins fairly among users/communities is generally safer as it significantly reduces various risks. 

Examining token burns:

Many tokens are burned/pulled out of circulation permanently in crypto projects. When the token’s supply is rising, it’s considered Inflationary. Inflationary

cryptocurrencies add blocks of transactions and mint a certain number of tokens per block. Whereas, Deflationary cryptocurrencies may have a burn schedule or burn a percentage of every transaction. The schedule for adding or removing tokens from circulation is Mint/burn schedule.


Governance is another major element that indirectly influences the future success of a crypto project. The core development team of a project or the governance committees and bodies elected by community members (decentralized governance) will play a significant role in better understanding the crypto solution’s future and the native token’s price. Some key highlights one should consider in terms of the governance model include:-

  • The core team that has the ultimate authority vs a fully decentralized community governance process
  • Whether governance occurs on the chain or off the chain 
  • How accessible is the governance process for the average user (e.g., how easy it is to create a proposal and vote on it)
  • The minimum share of votes required to approve a proposal
  • The core team’s background, skills, and experience (if they are highly involved in the project’s governance)

Read Next: Cryptocurrency Insurance Explained


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Image showing individuals in an investment bank

International Investment Banks India

What is an Investment Bank?

An investment bank is a financial service provider that serves as an intermediary in large and complex financial transactions. These banks provide financial services such as deals in stocks and bonds, mergers and acquisitions, pension fund management, financial sponsorship, and payment solutions for corporate.

There are many international investment banks in India. They help businesses and Governments to raise funds through access of capital markets, such as stock and bond markets. An investment banker assist startups to prepares for the launch of an initial public offering (IPO) or when a company merges with competitors. 


  • Offers financial services and advisory to individuals, companies, and the Government.
  • Provide insights/knowledge about the risks and benefits of investing their money in other companies.
  • Matches sellers and investors in financial markets and economy, adding more liquidity to markets.
  • Undergoes thorough investigation of the deal/project to minimize the risk associated with the same.
  • Connect investors and companies to makes financial development more productive and promote business growth.

How do International Investment banks work?

International banks in India are often classified into 2 categories:- Buy side and sell side. Buy side of the investment bank aims to maximize returns while investing/trading securities like stocks and bonds. It generally includes with pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, and the investing public. On the other hand, sell side of the investment includes selling shares of newly issued IPOs, placing new bond issues, involving in market-making services, and support clients to facilitate transactions.

Based on the services provides, Investment banks have three divisions including:-

  • Front office:- Front office is the most important department in an investment banks that creates maximum revenue in an investment banking firm. Some of the front office services consist of merchant banking, strategy formulation, professional investment management, and so on.
  • Middle office:- Middle office services include compliance with Government regulations and restrictions for clients such as banks, insurance companies, and finance divisions. These are the people who manage fundraising and internal control systems. 
  • Back office:- Back office services are the part and parcel of investment bank. The services includes creating new trading algorithms, authenticating data of previous trades of investment bank regulates all operations and technology platform.

Types of Investment Banks

The following are the 4 types of Investment banks:

1.) Regional Boutique Investment Banks

Regional boutique investment banks are smaller investment banks and have small workforce. These banks specialize in providing a range of financial services to clients within a particular geographic region. They typically focus on serving mid-sized and smaller companies, rather than large corporations, and may have expertise in specific industries or sectors.

2.) Elite Boutique Investment Banks

Elite boutique investment banks specialize in providing high-end financial advisory services to clients. They are typically smaller in size and more specialized than larger investment banks and often work with clients in specific industries or sectors.

3.) Full-service Investment Banks

Also called Bulge Bracket Investment banks, Full-service investment bank are the largest and most comprehensive investment banks that offers a full range of investment banking services.

4.) Middle Market Investment Banks

Middle market investment banks specialize in providing corporate finance and advisory services to companies with annual revenues ranging from $10 million to $1 billion. They mostly deal with mid-market firms, specifically for raising debt or equity capital, as well as mergers and acquisitions.

International Investment banks in India

J.P Morgan

J P Morgan is the leading International investment bank operating in Mumbai since 1930. The firm began by offering commercial banking services and was later spread into other sectors. They offer financial services to clients in more than 100 countries to do business and manage their wealth. As a comprehensive product platform, client’s interest is their core principle.

  • Headquarters: New York, USA
  • India Office: Mumbai
  • Employees: 294,000(Approx)

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is global investment bank founded in 1869. Its headquarter is in New York. The firm provides services such as investment banking, securities services, global banking, and markets. It serves India’s leading companies and has corporate customers throughout the country. They maintain offices around the world and in India, they have offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.

  • Headquarters: New York, USA
  • India Office: Bangalore
  • Employees: 49,000(Approx)

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is an international investment bank that has branches in Mumbai and Bangalore. They provide best consultation, fundraising services, fund management, research, and investment banking services to Governments, corporations, institutions, and individuals around the world. The firm focus to maintain first class service and high standard of excellence for its clients over 85 years.

  • Headquarters: New York, USA
  • India Office: Mumbai, Bangalore
  • Employees: 82,000(Approx)

Citigroup Global Markets (CGM)

CGM India is a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc incorporated in 2000. It has a large team of experts with industry experience and a strong network providing services such as investment banking, securities trading, and market analysis. Further, CGM is the a member of both the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) as well.

  • Headquarters: New York, USA
  • India Office: Mumbai
  • Employees: 240,000(Approx)

BofA Securities India Limited

Bank of America is one of the leading International investment bank. This firm was formerly known as Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The firm was established in India since 1964, which has offices in Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, and New Delhi. Further, they offer fund raising, M & A advisory, securities research, trade facilities to its clients in India.

  • Headquarters: North Carolina, USA
  • India Office: Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore
  • Employees: 217,000(Approx)

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Deloitte is the world’s largest professional services network. It is a Big Four accounting firms with operations in over 150 countries and territories worldwide. In 1972, the firm was combined with with Haskins & Sells and merged with Touche Ross to form Deloitte & Touche and later was renamed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in 1993. The company offers audit, assurance, and risk advisory services to clients including multinational enterprises and major Japanese business entities.

  • Headquarters: London, England
  • India Office: Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Gurugram, Pune
  • Employees: 415,000(Approx)

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is a global leader in investment banking. Its headquarter is in German with its operations in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. As of 2020, it was the world’s 21st largest bank by total assets and 63rd largest by market capitalization, providing various services to financial sector worldwide. 

  • Headquarters: Frankfurt, Germany
  • India Office:
  • Employees: 85,000(Approx)

Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse is a global Investment bank and financial services company founded and based in Switzerland and is engaged in services like private equity, asset management, research etc.

  • Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland
  • India Office: Mumbai, Pune, Gurgaon
  • Employees: 50,000(Approx)

Barclays Bank

Barclays is a British multinational Bank providing services like private banking, personal banking, corporate banking and investment banking. They currently operate across the globe.

  • Headquarters: London, UK
  • India Office: Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata
  • Employees: 81,000(Approx)

BNP Paribus

BNP Paribus is a french international banking group and is one of the 10 largest banks of the world. They help corporates and its clients in Investment Banking solutions and also offer other global financial services. BNP Paribus has presence over 65+ countries and territories on 5 continents.

  • Headquarters: Paris, France
  • India Office: Mumbai, Kolkata
  • Employees: 1,90,000


Investment banks are popular financial institutions that serve large organizations and companies to take important financial decisions and grow their business. Briefly, They are experts who undergo thorough investigation and understand the feasibility of large projects to assure that the company’s money goes into safe hands.

Next: Discover the reasons behind the recent crash of Silicon Valley Bank.


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Finding A Startup Co-Founder

Finding a co-founder for startups can be a difficult process. Unfortunately, many businesses that get started are destined to fail, simply because there aren’t any good entrepreneurs to help them along the way.

Fortunately, if you follow these tips, you can increase the odds of finding someone to help you start your business and find a co-founder easily.

Look for angel investors.

Many angel investors are willing to invest in startups that have a strong business plan and a clear idea for the product or service they wish to provide. If you don’t already have some investors looking at your business, you may need to work hard to drum up business. You can do this by having an effective marketing strategy and developing a strong business plan.

Do your research

Research the competition before you invest in a startup. Look at their track records, their target market, and their strengths. By doing so, you can ensure that you will be able to compete with similar businesses in the future.

Find out what programs the competition uses. There are many government programs that provide small business grants. Find out what programs are available in your area as well as those around the country. When you find several grants that seem like a good match for your business, you can ask for more information about how to apply for them.

Create own website

Have an easy-to-navigate website. The website for your business should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. In addition to having a website, your website should include contact information and a blog. Having a blog will allow potential investors to keep in touch with you, while having easy access to information will allow potential co-founders of startups to learn more about your business.

There are various platforms specifically designed to help founders find potential co-founders. Some popular options include CoFoundersLab, FounderDating, and AngelList.

Look into existing businesses.

Before you choose to co-found a business, it is important to find out what other businesses have done in the past. There are many websites that offer lists of businesses that have successfully closed. If there is a local business directory in your area, it may be helpful. Look for companies that have been around for at least five years, as well as smaller companies. If you have a few successful startups on your list, this can be a sign that these businesses are doing well and could be very lucrative.

Seek Advice

Take a look at the recommendations. Seek advice from investors who are active in the startup community, as well as those who work with established businesses. A good co-founder for a new business has the skills and experience to attract investors. However, if they do not have recommendations, consider looking for them on your own. After identifying a prospective co-founder, it is imperative to seek guidance from legal experts in order to create a comprehensive co-founder agreement. This written instrument must delineate the respective roles, responsibilities, allocation of equity, strategies for departure, and mechanisms for resolving conflicts.

Take risks.

A risk-taking attitude is necessary when it comes to finding co-founders for startups. Many new businesses fail because the owners do not take risks. If you have already developed a business idea, find some ways to test it in the market, such as by promoting the product using promotional items, giving away trial products, writing a press release, or attending an event. By taking risks, you will be able to find more potential customers.

Ask for Investments

Do not be afraid to ask for investments. Most investors are looking for companies with a good chance of success, but there are always exceptions. If you are willing to ask for investment, this may be your first step in seeking private funding. Be prepared to provide a detailed business plan to your potential investors. Remember to provide financial information as well, so that your investors will have a good idea of your business’s future potential.

Open Communication

Effective and transparent communication holds utmost importance in the process of assessing prospective co-founders. It is imperative to engage in thorough discussions regarding your respective expectations, roles, responsibilities, and the equitable distribution of shares at an early stage, in order to preempt any potential conflicts in the future. Be friendly. Startup companies look for people with a friendly attitude. Many people involved in the entrepreneurial world are perfectionists, so they can spot a potential leader if you are not. Be willing to accept help with aspects of your business, even if you do not need it.

Establishing Your Requirements and Expectations

Prior to commencing your quest, it is imperative to distinctly establish your requirements and anticipations with a co-founder. Take into account your personal strengths and limitations, and recognize the proficiencies, expertise, and character traits that you deem would complement your own.

Be sure to be persistent. It can take months or years to build a successful startup. Persistence and determination are important qualities to keep in mind when pursuing new opportunities. If you try to close a deal too quickly or make sure that a certain company is included in your portfolio too early, you may risk losing a crucial investor as a result.

Collaborate on Small Projects

Prior to making a commitment to a prolonged partnership, it is advisable to engage in collaboration on minor projects or initiatives. This approach enables the evaluation of the compatibility of work styles and the extent to which skill sets complement each other.


Finding a co-founder for a startup does not have to be a difficult process. If you follow these steps, you will likely find many different individuals who are willing to become part of your new business ownership structure. All these guides will help you find a co-founder efficiently. If not, keep looking! There will always be investors out there who are searching for companies in which to invest. If you are persistent and responsible, they will eventually come calling on their own.


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Understanding Due Diligence


It is common for most startups to suffer some kind of funding issues, but this does not mean that due diligence for financing is a bad idea. You might think that due diligence is the same thing as getting a loan; however, there are several differences between the two. There is also the question of whether or not every startup should be looking for angel investors, as well as traditional banks or investors.

What is Due Diligence And Why is it Important for Entrepreneurs?

Well, for starters, when you have a new business, you need to make sure that you find customers. You need to do everything to maximize the amount of traffic that you are able to drive to your business. The best way to do this is to utilize every method that you can come up with in order to gain exposure on the internet. By doing this, you are creating a path toward generating revenue, and it is only a matter of time before your product starts selling.

One of the main reasons to use due diligence when you are trying to raise capital for your business is because it helps you to stay away from the common problems that could prevent you from raising capital. When you are working with a venture capitalist, there are some investors that will look at your business compared to their own business. They will consider your business’s viability. They will also look at the industry that you are in compared to other similar businesses. These things are at the “seed stage.”

After the seed stage, you will need to start bringing in revenue in order to move into the next phase. In the next phase, an entrepreneur has to start looking for venture capitalists in order to raise more capital. However, you will also have to perform all of your due diligence in to make sure that you are raising the right venture capital. This will also allow you to eliminate all of the small business risk factors that you are currently facing.

What Every Startup Needs to Know About Capital Flows is something every aspiring entrepreneur should know. Venture capitalists have been known to lose money, sometimes thousands of dollars, during each financing round. There is always a chance that they will see your business as not being viable enough for investment. If you are able to provide investors and a compelling pitch, they may end up writing you a check. However, there is also the risk that they will simply pass you by.

So, if you are a startup seeking venture financing, then you are going to need to do your due diligence. You need to gather information on the competition that you are up against. You need to find out how their business model is working out. If you can learn what their current issues are, then you can be prepared to address those issues before they arise.

Most importantly, you need to understand the venture that you are going into. As with any business venture, there are going to be risks involved. However, by planning carefully and being realistic, you can minimize the risks. As always, it is your responsibility to protect yourself and your future.

What Every Startup Needs to Know About Due Diligence is something every aspiring entrepreneur should know. However, this is one area where most new entrepreneurs fall short. When they seek venture capital, they fail to perform due diligence. Instead of doing this, they simply dive in headfirst without any sort of preparation. By failing to do proper due diligence, they leave themselves exposed to failure. This failure could cost them everything that they own, including their home and their businesses.

Empower Your Journey With Expert Due Diligence

Navigate the funding landscape with confidence. Our startup consultancy offers top-tier due diligence services, fueling your fundraising efforts. From meticulous financial analysis to comprehensive risk assessment, we equip you for strategic growth. Ready to secure your startup’s future? Book a meeting now.

If you are looking for funding, here are some techniques to get more financing from VC. You will get details on presenting your business plan and case for VC funding.