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Business Strategy with Customized Financial Modeling Services

Financial modeling is the process of creating a summary of a company’s expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision.

A financial model has many uses for company executives. Financial analysts most often use it to analyze and anticipate how a company’s stock performance might be affected by future events or executive decisions.

Our financial modelling services help buy-side and sell-side firms efficiently and cost-effectively build and maintain their financial models to track public equities and credit names. We offer customized financial modelling services to meet the specific requirements of equity, bond and ESG analysts to the startup financial modelling.

What Is Financial Modelling Used for?

A financial model is used for decision-making and financial analysis by people inside and outside of companies. Some of the reasons a firm might create a financial model include the need to raise capital, grow the business organically, sell or divest business units, allocate capital, budget, forecast, or value a business.

What Information Should Be Included in a Financial Model?

To create a useful model that’s easy to understand, you should include sections on assumptions and drivers, an income statement, a balance sheet, a cash flow statement, supporting schedules, valuations, sensitivity analysis, charts, and graphs.

What Types of Businesses Use Financial Modelling?

Professionals in a variety of businesses rely on financial modelling services. Here are just a few examples: Bankers use it in sales and trading, equity research, and both commercial and investment banking, public accountants use it for due diligence and valuations, and institutions apply financial models in private equity, portfolio management, and research.

How Is a Financial Model Validated?

Errors in financial modelling services can cause expensive mistakes. Banks and other financial
institutions, project promoters, corporations seeking funds, equity houses, and others may request model validation to reassure the end-user that the calculations and assumptions within the model are correct and that the results produced by the model are reliable.

The Bottom Line

Financial modeling is a set of numerical techniques used to forecast future growth for a corporation. Based on the information in a company’s income statement, balance sheet, and estimates of future economic conditions, analysts can create sophisticated projections of an investment’s future performance.

Our Services

Business Plan

Our expert market research-driven business plan helps you with competitor data, compliance, market insights and growth plan.

Financial Modelling

An expert cashflow planning to estimate fundraising needs, valuation metrics, equity dilution and exit plans.

Valuation Report

We help founders with projected valuation reports to help them understand the equity dilution for fundraising.

Strategy Consulting

We consult startup founders to explore, understand, and develop sustainable revenue streams and effectively raise funds.

Due Diligence

We deliver in-depth audits and reviews of financial records before entering into a proposed transaction with any startup.

Startup Advisory

We work closely with startup founders to make informed partnerships, strategic and investment decisions.

Financial Modelling Consulting Support

We provide customized and cost-competitive financial modelling services. Our dedicated and experienced resources will work as an extension of your team and create output-based models in line with your requirements.

  • Detailed financial models for the sell side
  • Detailed KPI-based models for the buy side
  • IPO models
  • Coverage initiation models
  • Long/short equity financial models
  • Long-only detailed financial models
  • Historical-based working models
  • Fixed-template financial models
  • ESG metrics-/score-incorporated models
  • KPI-driven forecast models for credits
  • Credit rating recommendations
  • Scenario analysis and stress testing
  • HY/distressed debt models
  • Cap-structure review
  • Covenant and recovery analysis

How we are different

  • Extensive experience in financial modelling consulting
  • Unmatched sector experience
  • Multi language capabilities
  • Multiple engagement models
  • Support bottom line optimization


  1. What is financial modeling, and why is it important for businesses?
    Financial modelling is the process of creating a detailed representation of a company’s financial performance. It is crucial for decision-making, raising capital, budgeting, and forecasting future financial outcomes.
  2. Who can benefit from financial modeling services?
    Financial modelling services are beneficial for buy-side and sell-side firms, startups, equity and bond analysts, ESG analysts, and any business needing detailed financial forecasts and valuations.
  3. How do you ensure the accuracy of your financial models?
    We ensure accuracy through rigorous validation processes, including stress testing, scenario analysis, and the involvement of experienced professionals who review each model to align with industry standards


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Financial Modeling and Forecasting

In the dynamic world of finance, two terms are often mentioned in tandem yet hold distinct meanings and applications: financial modelling and forecasting. Understanding these concepts is vital, especially for startups seeking to navigate the complex scenarios of financial planning and decision-making.

Why Is Forecasting Important?

Forecasting is the process of predicting future financial outcomes based on historical and current data. It is a cornerstone of financial planning, providing businesses with a roadmap for the future. In the context of financial forecasting, the focus is on identifying trends, anticipating changes, and preparing for potential opportunities and risks.

For startups, forecasting is particularly crucial. It serves as a guide for strategic decision-making, from budget allocation to potential investments. By understanding the probable future financial position, startups can make informed decisions that align with their long-term objectives and mitigate potential risks.

What Are the Methods of Financial Forecasting?

There are various methods of financial forecasting, each with its strengths and suitability for different business scenarios. The most common methods include:

  • Time Series Analysis: This method involves analysing historical data to identify trends and patterns. It’s particularly useful for short-term forecasting.
  • Econometric Modeling: This involves using statistical methods to test hypotheses and forecast future trends based on economic theory.
  • Judgmental Forecasting: Here, forecasting is based on intuitive judgments, opinions, and probability estimates. This method is often used when there is a lack of historical data.

Each method has its place in financial forecasting. Startups might lean more towards judgmental forecasting due to the lack of extensive historical data, while established businesses might rely on time series analysis for more accuracy.

Why Is Modeling Important?

Financial modelling, on the other hand, is the process of creating a summary of a company’s expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision. A financial model is a tool used for decision-making, not just prediction.

Financial modelling for startups is indispensable. It enables entrepreneurs to test different scenarios and see their potential financial impact. This is crucial for startups that need to make important decisions on funding, growth strategies, and resource allocation.

Financial Forecasting vs. Financial Modeling

While forecasting and modelling are often used together, they serve different purposes. Financial forecasting is about predicting the future, whereas financial modelling is about exploring what could happen. Forecasting feeds into modelling, providing the necessary data to build realistic and dynamic models.

In financial forecasting, the focus is on external factors and historical data to predict future performance. Financial modelling, however, involves creating hypothetical scenarios to explore a range of outcomes. This could include everything from a new product launch to a major shift in market trends.

Financial Modeling vs. Financial Forecasting Comparison

To further understand the differences and similarities, here’s a comparison:

  • Purpose: Forecasting is about predicting future financial performance. Modelling is about exploring hypothetical scenarios.
  • Scope: Forecasting often has a narrower scope, focused on specific financial metrics. Modelling can encompass a wider range of business variables.
  • Flexibility: Models are typically more flexible, allowing for the adjustment of inputs and assumptions. Forecasting relies more on existing data and trends.
  • Application: Forecasting is often used for budgeting and planning. Modelling is used for strategic decision-making, such as evaluating investment opportunities or assessing the impact of strategic changes.

For startups, both financial modelling and forecasting are essential tools. Forecasting helps in understanding potential future scenarios, while modelling provides a framework for decision-making. In the complex world of business finance, understanding the nuances and applications of financial forecasting and modelling is crucial. While they are interconnected, each serves a unique purpose in the realm of financial planning and analysis. For startups, mastering these tools can be the key to navigating financial challenges and seizing opportunities effectively.


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What is Burn Rate?

Burn Rate is a financial metric that indicates the rate at which a company, typically a startup, expends its available cash reserves. It is often used to measure the speed at which a company spends its venture capital before generating positive cash flow from operations. The burn rate is a critical indicator of a company’s financial health and sustainability, as it provides insights into how long the company can continue operating with its current cash reserves.

To illustrate, consider a startup company that has $1 million in its bank account and spends $100,000 per month. In this scenario, the company’s cash burn rate would be $100,000 per month, and its “runway” or the time it has before it runs out of money, would be 10 months.

How To Calculate Burn Rate?

The calculation of this metric involves two types: gross burn and net burn. Gross burn refers to the total amount of money spent each month, while net burn is the amount of money lost each month after considering any possible company revenue. The formula for calculating the net burn is:
(Monthly Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold) – Gross Burn Rate = Net Burn Rate.

What Does a High Burn Rate Suggest?

A high burn rate suggests that a company is depleting its cash supply at a fast rate, indicating a higher likelihood of entering financial distress or even bankruptcy. If a company burns cash too quickly, it risks running out of money and going out of business. Conversely, if a company doesn’t burn enough cash, it might not be investing adequately in its future, potentially falling behind the competition.

How To Reduce Burn Rate?

Reducing it is crucial for a company’s survival and can be achieved through various strategies such as increasing revenue, reducing payroll expenses, cutting unnecessary overhead costs, and consolidating teams. Other methods include carrying out an expense survey, evaluating recurring expenses, streamlining expense approval processes, and negotiating better payment terms.

Application in Financial Modeling

In financial modeling, the burn rate is used to track the amount of monthly cash that a company spends before it starts generating its own income. This metric is particularly useful for startup companies and investors as it serves as a measuring stick for the company’s “runway”—the amount of time that the company has before it runs out of money.


Understanding and managing the burn rate is vital for any company, especially startups. It provides valuable insights into a company’s financial health and sustainability, helping managers make informed decisions about spending, investment, and fundraising strategies.

Learn about other key financial metrics every startup needs to track.


1. How to Calculate Burn Rate?

Gross Burn = Monthly Cash Expenses
Net Burn = (Monthly Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold) – Gross Burn Rate

2. What is a good Burn rate?

Typically, startup businesses are advised to maintain a reserve of six to twelve months’ worth of expenses. If a company holds $100,000 in its bank account, an appropriate burn rate would range from $16,667 (for a six-month period) to $8,333 (for a twelve-month period).

3. What is the burn rate formula?

It’s typically measured on a monthly basis and can be calculated using the following formula:
Burn Rate = (Starting Cash Balance – Ending Cash Balance) / Number of Months


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Approaching Angel Investors

Who Are Angel Investors?

An angel investor is a person who invests money in new or small business ventures to provide capital for start-ups or expansion. They focus on helping startups to grow and develop their business. Angel investors may be wealthy individuals, family, relatives, venture capitalists, or crowdfunding. They may vary widely, but they are willing to accept risk and demand little or no control with the expectation of getting a reasonable return in the future.

They have a strong belief in the founding team and the product the startup is aiming to build. Typically, they will invest somewhere between $ 25,000-5,00,000 to help a company get started. Attracting Angel Investors is not always easy. Let’s have an insight into tips for approaching angel investors.

1. Prepare a Pitch Deck

The first and foremost tip for approaching an angel investor is to prepare a pitch deck. You may get money from friends and crowdfunding without any plan, but angel investors look for the extra discipline and effort demonstrated in a written project called a Pitch deck. The Pitch deck should be simple, but it should cover all the critical elements of your business. You need to explain the business model, competitors, target market, and exit strategy to your potential investors to let them know about their return in the future.

2. Document your Financial Projections

Angel investors should be well-informed about the numbers involved because every investor likes to see ample, double-digit growth opportunities. It is essential to prepare a profit and loss account, income statement, and cash flow statement and determine the financial position of your business. While preparing your financial projections, it’s most important to be as realistic as possible. Generally, there are five years financial projections shown.

3. Find the Right Angel Investor

It won’t make any sense if an entrepreneur in the chemical industry approaches investors experienced in the agriculture sector. You need to come to angel investors based on your industry. It is easy to find angel investors from online sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and then follow them and maintain relationships by joining investor groups, attending business meetings., thereby expanding business growth in the long run. Moreover, you need to find an angel investor with whom you can get along comfortably. Attract the right people for your business to attract the proper funding.

4. Stay Confident

After a successful pitch, one needs to present their ideas, views, business plan, and financial projections to angel investors confidently. Just demonstrate how intense you are for your idea, how you will market it, and how it will result in higher revenues. Also, don’t worry about your results; make it a point to exhibit sincerity about your startup.

5. Have a Consistent Team

Each team will be unique; however, the possibility that it will play to the organization’s qualities will be reliably significant. Angel investors tend to look at the experience of your team. At least two professional employees are enough to get others to believe in your ideas. You can briefly elaborate on your team’s professional background to prove how they are a good fit.

6. Have a Product/service

Suppose you are working on something more technological. In that case, you need to create a practical demonstration of your product/service idea and turn this idea into reality or marketable so that you can show angel investors that your business plans are achievable. Clearly define your target market, and outline the action plan and product’s USP. So, having a model or sample of your product can help you persuade your investors and get your angel funding quickly.

7. Prepare a Business Plan

A well-written and solid business plan gives you a higher chance of convincing angel investors. Ensure to prepare a business plan so that your angel investors can get an idea about product/service features, competitive advantage, management team, current market position, and benefits/rewards they receive by investing in your business. The goal is to show them that you have the growth potential to become more profitable than other companies they might be looking at.

8. Keep It Simple

Keep things as short and straightforward as possible. Start your pitch with questions that lead to “yes.” Make sure to focus on facts and avoid excessive data that can make your pitch boring. Try to illustrate an idea with a real-life problem.

9. Do Proper Research

You should go through thorough proper research to impress them. Connect investors on LinkedIn and know their business background, and try to understand their needs and preferences. Startups need to know their primary business metrics, industry dynamics and understand the resources required to succeed. Focus primarily on their personal experience. They will invest in you only if they are impressed by the research and the knowledge you have. So, be wise in your research and should know how to look up the right investors.

10.  Apply to Angel Groups

Angel groups are a highly effective way of getting investments. Startups usually connect with them to get access to quality deals and confidence in investing. They may introduce them to multiple angles simultaneously. Angel groups typically support the seed stage of a startup, focused on concentrated geographic regions.

11. Be Realistic

Set a realistic valuation for your startup to attract angels because they want to know the position and the valuation of your business in the market. Exhibiting a successful record of your previous business venture can persuade angel investors to come on board and invest their capital in your business. So, be realistic and don’t overestimate your business.


Angel investors can provide much-needed finance to startup businesses. They are typically established and wealthy individuals. With the right approach, you will be able to move on to the next stage of turning your ideas into reality. Getting funds for your business is undoubtedly tricky but not impossible.

If you find it difficult to reach the right angel investors for your startups, don’t worry! Our team- Scaalex has closely worked with 500+ startups to build funding strategies and investment advice. Drop your requirements, and we will create a customized solution for you.

Read Next: What is Equity Share Investing

Get Investor Ready With Scaalex

Open doors to funding through precise financial modeling, compelling business plans, meticulous due diligence, and accurate valuation reports. Our expert guidance ensures your pitch resonates with angel investors. Book a free consultation call with our experts and discover how our services can elevate your startup.


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Financial Model For Fundraising

As a startup founder, one of the biggest challenges you’ll face is securing funding to turn your idea into a thriving business. Without sufficient capital, it’s virtually impossible to grow and scale your startup. That’s where financial modeling comes in. Financial modeling is the process of creating a detailed, quantitative representation of your business’s financial situation. 

By developing a financial model, you can gain valuable insights into your startup’s financial health and use that information to attract investors, secure funding, and set your business on the path to success.

Financial Modeling for Startups

Financial modeling is a crucial tool for startups looking to secure funding. It involves creating a comprehensive financial plan that includes projected revenue, expenses, and cash flow. 

By developing a financial model, you can assess the viability of your business idea and determine the amount of funding you need to get your startup off the ground. Financial modeling can help you identify potential risks and opportunities in your business, allowing you to make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources.

Benefits of Financial Modeling for Startups

The benefits of financial modelling are numerous. For starters, it allows you to create a clear and concise financial plan that you can use to communicate your business’s financial health to investors. 

It also enables you to identify potential issues before they become major problems, giving you the opportunity to make adjustments and course-correct as needed. 

Additionally, financial modeling can help you determine the optimal pricing strategy for your products or services, as well as assess the impact of different marketing and sales strategies on your bottom line.

Types of Financial Models

There are several types of financial models that startups can use to plan and manage their finances. One of the most common is the revenue model, which outlines how your startup generates revenue. 

Another type of financial model is the expense model, which details your startup’s expenses. Cash flow models are also commonly used, as they show how cash flows in and out of your business over a given period of time. 

Other types of financial models include balance sheet models, profit and loss (P&L) models, and sensitivity analysis models.

How Financial Modelling Helps in Raising Funds

By creating a detailed financial plan, you can demonstrate to investors that you have a solid understanding of your business’s financial health and future potential. Financial modelling can also help you determine the optimal amount of funding to ask for and the best way to structure your pitch to potential investors. 

Additionally, it can help you identify potential areas of risk and come up with contingency plans to address them.

Steps to Creating a Financial Model for Your Startup

Creating a financial model can be a complex process, but it can also be highly rewarding. Here are the steps you should follow to create one for your startup:

  1. Identify your revenue streams
  2. Estimate your expenses
  3. Develop a cash flow projection
  4. Create a balance sheet projection
  5. Develop a P&L projection
  6. Conduct sensitivity analysis
  7. Test and refine your model

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While financial modeling can be highly effective, there are several common mistakes that startups should avoid. One of the most common is underestimating expenses or overestimating revenue. This can lead to unrealistic financial projections and ultimately hurt your chances of securing funding. 

Additionally, startups should avoid relying too heavily on assumptions or failing to test their financial models thoroughly. It’s also important to be transparent with investors and provide them with accurate, up-to-date financial information.


Financial modeling is a powerful tool for startups looking to secure funding and set their businesses up for success. By creating a comprehensive financial plan, startups can gain valuable insights into their financial health and use that information to make informed decisions about how to allocate their resources. Whether you choose to create a financial model on your own or seek expert help, it is an essential part of any startup’s journey to success.

Get Our Expert Help With Financial Modelling

Ready to leverage the power of financial modelling for your startup’s success? Our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to unlock the potential of financial modelling for your startup.

Why Choose Scaalex?

Our portfolio boasts 250+ successful global projects, driving fundraising campaigns spanning $500K to $150Mn. With a powerhouse team of financial experts and investment bankers, our tailored solutions guarantee unparalleled analysis and an investor-centric approach evident across all our deliverables.

Schedule a consultation with our financial modeling experts now.


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Financial Modelling For Startup

Start-ups face countless hurdles that they need to overcome to succeed in their domain. A crucial aspect of running a startup is managing the finances as adequate finances are the lifeline for a thriving organization. Financial modeling can be an invaluable tool to avoid common pitfalls that could derail your startup’s success.

In this blog, we’ll explore what financial modeling is, why it’s important for startups, and how it can help you avoid common pitfalls.

What is Financial Modeling?

Financial modeling is the process of creating a detailed and realistic representation of your company’s financial performance and potential outcomes.

This is usually done through financial projections, assumptions, and data analysis. These tools help start-ups make thorough and informed decisions about their business and determine the financial viability and strength of the company’s strategy.

What is Financial Modeling used for?

For a variety of purposes, including determining reasonable forecasts, pricing for markets/products, asset or enterprise valuation, and making informed business decisions. It helps companies forecast their future financial performance by using historical data and assumptions about the future.

Financial models can be used in decision-making processes such as raising capital, making acquisitions, growing the business, selling or divesting assets, budgeting, forecasting, capital allocation, and valuing a business.

Why is Financial Modeling Important for Startups?

Helps with fundraising

Investors want to see a clear and realistic financial picture of the organization’s financial strength before investing. A detailed and realistic financial plan shows investors how their investment will be used, the expected returns, and the time it takes to see those returns.

Guides business decisions

Financial modeling provides a clear picture of your startup’s financial health, which can guide important business decisions and the problem areas to focus on. Understanding your company’s financial situation enables you to make informed decisions about investments, hiring, and expansion.

Improves financial management

A financial model provides a roadmap for your company’s financial management. It helps identify potential financial problems before they occur and allows the development of strategies to address them. By regularly updating your financial model, you can ensure that you are on track to meet your financial goals.

How Can Financial Modeling Help Your Startup Avoid Common Pitfalls?

Avoiding cash flow problems

One of the biggest challenges for startups is managing cash flow, its direction, and if the cash flow is optimal. By identifying the problem areas, startups can develop strategies to enhance operations. By forecasting your cash flow, you can make informed decisions about when to invest, when to hold back, and when to seek outside funding.

Understanding the impact of business decisions

Every business decision you make has a financial impact on various departments of a startup. Financial modeling can help you to understand the financial impact of different business decisions, such as hiring new employees, investing, increasing the advertising budget, expanding into new markets, or launching a new product. This allows your startup to grow without putting your and your investors’ finances at risk.

Preparing for different scenarios

Financial modeling allows you to prepare for different economic and market scenarios and potential outcomes.

By creating different financial models based on diverse and unexpected assumptions, you can prepare for best-case, worst-case, and most-likely scenarios. This helps you to be ready for any unforeseen event and make informed decisions about how to proceed.

Analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs)

Financial modeling allows you to analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) imperative for your startup’s success. This includes gauging metrics such as customer acquisition cost, lifetime customer value, and churn rate.

By analyzing these metrics, you can identify the potential areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your startup’s performance.

Forecasting revenue and expenses

Financial modeling helps you to forecast revenue and expenses, which is essential for managing your startup’s finances. By forecasting revenue and expenses, you can identify potential problems, develop strategies to address them, and thereby allocate funds in the direction where they are required the most. Making such informed decisions reduces the possibility of errors and mitigates risks when optimizing cash flows.

Improving communication with stakeholders

Financial modeling improves communication with stakeholders, such as investors, employees, and partners. By having a clear and realistic financial plan, you can communicate your startup’s vision, strategy, and financial goals more effectively. Such clarity in communication boosts trust and confidence with your stakeholders, which is crucial for long-term success.

Ensuring compliance with regulations

Financial modeling helps ensures compliance with regulations that are relevant to your industry. By modeling different scenarios and analyzing their financial impact, you can identify potential compliance issues, develop strategies to address them, and helps keep these problems away in the future.

Creating a Roadmap for Growth

Finally, financial modeling helps you create a roadmap for growth that is based on realistic financial projections. By creating different financial models and analyzing their outcomes, you can identify the most promising growth opportunities, develop strategies to pursue them and execute them for better growth potential. This helps start-ups grow sustainably and profitably.

What we have to say

Financial modeling is a vital tool for startups to avoid common pitfalls and gauge the steps to achieve success. By creating a realistic financial plan, you can attract investors, guide important business decisions, and manage your finances more effectively without hurting investors, employees, or stakeholders in the process of growth.

By understanding the financial impact of different scenarios and preparing for potential outcomes, you can ensure that your startup is on track to achieve its goals. If you’re not already using financial modeling in your startup, it’s time to start.

Elevate Your Business with Our Expert Financial Modeling Solutions

Ready to secure your financial future and navigate potential pitfalls with confidence? Discover how our expert financial modeling services can transform your business decision-making process. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock your company’s true potential. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us drive your business toward long-lasting success. Book your free consultation now!


1.)   What are some common financial modeling mistakes to avoid?

Here are some common mistakes one should avoid while financial modeling:
· Incorrect assumptions: Ensure you have realistic and data-based assumptions.
· Hardcoding financial projections: One should avoid this approach as it doesn’t state where the data is coming from, which makes the number validation impossible
· Not revisiting and updating the model.
· Building too much complex models
· Large formulas: Larger the formula, the more likely you make mistakes.

2.)  What are the different types of financial models?

Some of the common types of financial models are:
· Discounted Cash Flow Model
· Three-Statement Model
· Merger Model (M&A)
· Initial Public Offering (IPO) Model
· Forecasting Model

3.)   What are some best financial modeling practices?

· Plan Ahead: Have a vision and goal during the building process.
· Understand the business: Grasp the company’s business model, industry, and key drivers.
· Start with a clean, structured layout: Organize model sections, label assumptions clearly, and keep formatting consistent.
· Use historical data: Analyze past performance to inform projections and identify trends.
· Separate inputs and outputs: Clearly differentiate between assumptions (inputs) and calculations (outputs).
· Avoid hardcoding: Use formulas and cell references to ensure transparency and minimize errors.
· Build flexibility: Incorporate scenarios and sensitivity analysis to assess various outcomes.
· Focus on key drivers


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Post Money Vs Pre Money Valuation


Understanding the concepts of pre-money and post-money valuations is crucial for entrepreneurs and investors in making informed decisions about the worth of a company and its potential for growth. In this article, we will delve into the world of post-money vs pre-money, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of these terms and how they can impact your investment strategy.

What is Pre-Money Valuation?

Pre-money valuation refers to the estimated value of a company before any new investments or funding has been secured. This valuation considers various factors such as historical financial performance, market growth potential, and industry trends. Entrepreneurs and investors use this valuation as a starting point to determine the worth of a company and negotiate the terms of new investments.

In order to calculate the pre-money valuation, several factors need to be taken into account, such as the company’s projected revenue, earnings, and cash flow. These factors help paint a picture of the company’s overall financial health and its potential for success in the future.

What is Post-Money Valuation?

Post-money valuation, on the other hand, refers to the estimated value of a company after new investments or funding has been secured. This valuation takes into account the additional capital raised through external investments, as well as any changes in the company’s financial standing.

The post-money valuation is calculated by adding the amount of new investment to the pre-money valuation. This helps investors and entrepreneurs gauge the impact of external funding on the company’s overall worth and determine the potential return on investment (ROI) for investors.

Pre-Money vs Post-Money Valuation Example

To better understand the concept of post-money vs pre-money, let’s consider an example. Suppose a startup has a pre-money valuation of $1 million. An investor is interested in providing $500,000 in funding for a 25% equity stake in the company. In this scenario, the post-money valuation would be calculated as follows:

Post-Money Valuation = Pre-Money Valuation + Investment Post-Money Valuation = $1 million + $500,000 Post-Money Valuation = $1.5 million

In this example, the investor’s 25% equity stake would be worth $375,000 based on the post-money valuation of $1.5 million.

Why Does The Difference Between Pre-Money and Post-Money Valuations Matter?

Understanding the difference between pre-money and post-money valuations is critical for both entrepreneurs and investors. For entrepreneurs, these valuations can help determine the value of their company and the potential impact of external investments on their overall worth. For investors, these valuations can help assess the potential return on investment and the level of risk associated with a particular investment opportunity.

Moreover, the difference between pre-money and post-money valuations can impact the negotiation process for investment deals. By having a clear understanding of these terms, both parties can better negotiate the terms of investment and ensure that their interests are protected.

Which Is More Important for a Business: Pre-Money or Post-Money?

Both pre-money and post-money valuations play a crucial role in the investment process. Pre-money valuation provides a starting point for entrepreneurs and investors to determine the worth of a company and negotiate the terms of new investments. Post-money valuation, on the other hand, helps assess the impact of external investments on the company’s overall worth and the potential return on investment for investors.

Calculating Pre-Money Valuation

As mentioned earlier, pre-money valuation takes into account several factors, such as the company’s projected revenue, earnings, and cash flow. Additionally, market trends, industry growth potential, and the company’s competitive positioning can also be considered when calculating this valuation.

There are various methods that can be employed to calculate pre-money valuation, including the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, the Venture Capital (VC) method, and the First Chicago method. Each of these methods has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of method will depend on the specific circumstances and requirements of the company in question.

Calculating Post-Money Valuation

Post-money valuation is calculated by adding the amount of new investment to the pre-money valuation. This simple calculation provides a snapshot of the company’s overall worth after external funding has been secured.

It is essential to keep in mind that the post-money valuation is subject to change as the company grows and evolves. Factors such as increased revenues, new partnerships, and changes in market conditions can all have an impact on post-money valuation, making it crucial for entrepreneurs and investors to regularly assess and update this valuation as needed.

Factors Influencing Pre-Money and Post-Money Valuations

Various factors can influence pre-money and post-money valuations, including:

  1. Market conditions: Market trends and industry growth potential can have a significant impact on the valuation of a company. If a company operates in a rapidly growing industry, its valuation may be higher due to increased growth potential.
  2. Competitive landscape: The level of competition within a particular market or industry can also influence a company’s valuation. A company with a strong competitive advantage may have a higher valuation than a company facing intense competition.
  3. Financial performance: A company’s historical financial performance can greatly impact its valuation. Investors and entrepreneurs may consider factors such as revenue growth, profit margins, and cash flow when determining the pre-money and post-money valuations.
  4. Management team: The experience and track record of a company’s management team can also influence its valuation. A well-established management team with a history of success may result in a higher valuation.
  5. Risk factors: The level of risk associated with a particular investment opportunity can also impact a company’s valuation. Higher levels of risk may result in lower valuations, as investors may require a higher return on investment to compensate for the increased risk.


In conclusion, understanding the concepts of post-money vs pre-money is essential for both entrepreneurs and investors looking to make informed decisions about the worth of a company and its potential for growth. By having a clear understanding of these terms and the factors that influence them, both parties can better negotiate the terms of investment and ensure that their interests are protected. Remember, staying well-informed and regularly reassessing valuations is key to a successful investment strategy.


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Introduction to Debt to Equity Ratio

Debt to Equity Ratio is one of the key financial metrics for startups. In this guide, we will explain what the Debt to Equity ratio is, its formula, the factors affecting it, and its limitations. We will also explore the ideal D/E Ratio and the pros and cons of both high and low ratios. Lastly, we will share tips on how to improve the D/E Ratio.

Before diving into the details, let’s understand the concept of capital structure. Capital structure refers to how a company finances its operations through debt and equity. Debt refers to the money borrowed from external sources such as banks, while equity is the owner’s investment in the business. This ratio shows how much debt a company has concerning its equity.

What is Debt to Equity Ratio?

Debt to Equity ratio is a financial ratio that measures the proportion of a company’s total liabilities to its shareholders’ equity. Simply, it shows how much the company relies on debt to finance its operations. The higher the ratio, the more the company has borrowed and is burdened with debt.

D/E Ratio Formula

The formula for calculating D/E Ratio is straightforward, and it is calculated by dividing a company’s total liabilities by its shareholders’ equity. The formula is as follows:

Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Shareholders’ Equity

Understanding the Factors Affecting Debt to Equity Ratio

Several factors affect a company’s Debt to Equity Ratio. Some of the factors are:

Industry Norms

The industry in which a company operates plays a significant role in determining its Debt to Equity Ratio. Certain industries require high debt to finance their operations, while others may require less.

Business Life Cycle

The stage of a company’s life cycle also plays a significant role in determining this ratio. A startup may have a higher ratio as it relies on debt to finance its operations. A mature company, on the other hand, may have a lower ratio as it has established a steady revenue stream and can rely on equity financing.

Interest Rates

Interest rates affect a company’s borrowing cost, which, in turn, affects its Debt to Equity Ratio. A company may borrow more if interest rates are low, resulting in a higher ratio. Conversely, a company may borrow less if interest rates are high, resulting in a lower ratio.

Example of Debt-to-Equity Ratio Calculation

Let’s understand its calculation with an example. Suppose a company has total liabilities of $500,000 and shareholders’ equity of $1,000,000.

Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Shareholders’ EquityDebt to Equity Ratio = $500,000 / $1,000,000Debt to Equity Ratio = 0.5

In this case, the Debt to Equity Ratio is 0.5, meaning the company has $0.50 of debt for every $1.00 of equity.

Ideal D/E Ratio

It varies across industries and companies. Generally, a ratio of 1:1 is considered healthy, indicating that the company has an equal amount of debt and equity. However, some industries, such as utilities, may have higher ratios, while others, such as technology companies, may have lower ratios.


While this ratio is a useful financial metric, it has limitations. Some of the limitations are:

Industry Differences

As mentioned earlier, different industries have different Debt to Equity Ratio norms. Comparing the ratios of companies in different industries may not provide an accurate picture.

One-Dimensional View

It is a one-dimensional view of a company’s financial health, and it does not consider other financial metrics such as profitability, cash flow, and liquidity.

Different Accounting Methods

Different accounting methods can affect this ratio. For example, using the LIFO method for inventory valuation can result in a lower equity value, thereby increasing the ratio.

Pros and Cons of High Debt to Equity Ratio


● A high ratio indicates that the company is relying on debt to finance its operations, which can lead to tax benefits.

● Debt financing is cheaper than equity financing as interest payments are tax-deductible.

● It also shows that the company is taking advantage of growth opportunities.


● A high ratio indicates that the company is heavily dependent on debt, which can be risky during economic downturns.

● High debt levels can lead to higher interest payments, affecting the company’s profits.

● A high ratio can result in a lower credit rating, making it harder for the company to borrow in the future.

Pros and Cons of Low Debt to Equity Ratio


● A low ratio indicates that the company is less reliant on debt, reducing the default risk.

● A low ratio can lead to higher credit ratings, making it easier for the company to borrow in the future.

● A low ratio can result in lower interest payments, improving the company’s profitability.


● A low ratio can indicate that the company is not taking advantage of growth opportunities.

● Equity financing is costlier than debt financing as it involves sharing ownership, which can dilute the existing shareholders’ stake.

● Also a low ratio can also indicate that the company is not using leverage to its advantage.

How to Improve Debt to Equity Ratio

If a company has a high ratio, it can take the following steps to improve it:

● Pay off debt: The company can use its profits to pay off debt, thereby reducing the ratio.

● Issue new equity: A company can issue new equity to raise funds and reduce its reliance on debt.

● Renegotiate debt terms: Also a company can renegotiate the terms of its debt to reduce interest rates or extend the repayment period.

If a company has a low ratio, it can take the following steps to improve it:

● Take on more debt: The company can take on more debt to finance growth opportunities.

● Buy back shares: Similarly company can buy back some of its shares to increase its equity value.

● Issue less equity: Also the company can issue less equity to reduce dilution.


Debt to Equity Ratio is a crucial financial metric that measures a company’s reliance on debt to finance its operations. It is affected by several factors, including industry norms, business life cycles, and interest rates. While a high ratio can lead to tax benefits and growth opportunities, it can also be risky during economic downturns. On the other hand, a low ratio indicates that the company is less reliant on debt, which reduces the risk of default. To improve this ratio, companies can pay off debt, issue new equity, renegotiate debt terms, take on more debt, buy back shares, or issue less equity.

Now that you have a better understanding of D/E ratio, it’s time to explore the other essential startup financial metrics.


What is a good debt-to-equity ratio?

The optimal ratio can vary depending on the industry. However, a ratio of 1:1 or lower is considered good. This means that the company has equal debt and equity financing, indicating that it is not overly reliant on borrowed funds to finance its operations.

How does the debt-to-equity ratio vary across different industries?

The D/E ratio varies across industries due to variations in capital requirements, operating risks, regulatory environment, revenue stability, and financial goals.

What is total debt?

Total debt is the money a company owes to creditors and lenders, including short-term and long-term debt obligations. This may include bank loans, bonds, lines of credit, leases, and other forms of borrowing. Total debt is typically reported on a company’s balance sheet as a liability.

What does a high debt-to-equity ratio indicate?

A high ratio is considered risky for lenders and investors as it indicates that a company has a relatively large debt compared to equity.

What does a low debt-to-equity ratio indicate?

A low ratio indicates that a company has a relatively small amount of debt in proportion to its equity. It means the company has more owned capital than borrowed capital.


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Key Financial Metrics

Image showing illustration of startup founders tracking the financial metrics of their startup

As a startup founder, you may be familiar with the basics of business finances and financial metrics like income, margin, balance sheet, etc. But it’s easy to overlook some key financial indicators that could easily mean the survival or failure of your business. Here are 5 key financial metrics that all founders should track to ensure their business is on the right path.

1.)Cash Flow

The ability to pay your expenses is a basic financial stability requirement, which means keeping an eye on your cash flow is critical. Cash flow is the net change in your cash and cash equivalents over a period of time, so tracking the amount of money coming in and out of your business is important. That way, you can identify any potential issues with cash shortages or delays in collecting payments.

2.)Burn Rate

Another important metric to watch is your business’s burn rate. It is the rate at which your business is spending its available cash. By tracking the burn rate, you can gauge how quickly your business is running through its available capital. It will in turn affect its ability to stay afloat over the long run.

3.)Revenue And Expenses

It’s important to track the revenue and expenses of your business. Both for the purposes of staying on top of cash flow and for understanding overall profitability. Pay attention to trends in your spending and income. So you can determine where you need to cut costs or identify new and profitable opportunities.

4.)Debt-to-Equity Ratio

As a startup founder, you need to be aware of how much debt your business carries. The debt to equity ratio indicates the amount of debt your company has relative to its equity. If your debt-to-equity ratio is getting too high, it may be time to consider getting new sources of equity or renegotiating terms on your debt.

5.)Return on Investment

Finally, track return on investment (ROI) on major investments or projects, so you’ll have a better sense of what activities are adding value to your business. This can help you make decisions on where to focus or invest your time or resources in the future.


In summary, tracking these 5 key financial metrics can help startup founders get a better handle on their business’s finances and ensure the long-term success of their venture. Keeping an eye on cash flow, burn rate, revenue and expenses, debt-to-equity ratio, and return on investment will help you stay ahead of potential financial problems and make smart decisions for your business.

Read related topics: Key SaaS metrics for startups , Understanding Client concentration


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SVB Collapse

What was Silicon Valley Bank ?

Silicon Valley Bank is a state-chartered commercial bank headquartered in Santa Clara, California, that failed on March 10, 2023, and its assets are now under the care of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). It was the 16th-largest bank in the U.S. and Silicon Valley’s largest bank based on deposits. The bank mainly comprises the primary business of SVB Financial Group, a publicly traded bank holding company with other subsidiaries. 

History Of Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley Bank was founded in 1983 in San Jose, California, by Bill Biggerstaff, Robert Medearisa, and Robert Smith. 

The company went public in 1988 and eventually grew to be one of the largest commercial banks in the U.S. It saw major growth during and after the pandemic between 2019 and 2022, where it rose from the 34th largest bank to the 16th. 

Why did Silicon Valley Bank collapse?

As Silicon Valley Bank was founded, the banking industry needed a better understanding of startups, especially those that didn’t generate revenue. Startups wait for income, so the bank structured its loans to manage risk based on business models.

 The bank connected customers to its extensive venture capital, law, and accounting firm network. Its primary strategy was collecting deposits from businesses financed through venture capital. It was then expanded into banking and financing venture capitalists by adding services to allow the bank to keep clients when they mature from their startup phase. Initially, startup founders seeking bank loans pledged about half their shares as collateral. After a few years, the failure rate dropped to about seven per cent, reflecting low failure rates and founders’ willingness to pay back their loans. The bank covered the losses by selling the shares to interested investors. Eventually, it became typical for venture capital firms’ term sheets to the requirement of startups to create a bank account at SVB specifically.

The significant increase in interest rates is a recurring theme in the failure of SVB. The U.S. Federal Reserve has quickly raised its benchmark policy rates from the historically low levels of last year to combat inflation. This expected to reach a 40-year high in 2022 and cause the economy to slow down and investments to decline.

Investors that pour money into riskier investments when cheaper typically have a poor risk tolerance in an environment with high interest rates. Most of SVB’s clients, startups, saw a big decline in their investments as interest rates kept rising.

Image showing largest bank failures including Silicon valley bank in the U.S as of 2023,by total assets
Stats showing largest bank failures in the U.S by total assets (As of 2023)

The Reason The Bank Forced To Sell Its Holdings At a Loss:

 Major venture capitalists (VCs), who had sizable accounts with the bank and were SVB’s clients, provided the majority of the funding for early-stage firms. SVB’s deposits increased thrice to $189.20 billion in 2021 amidst the VC industry boom. However, since the IPO Boom ended in 2022, there weren’t many withdrawals. The bank’s loan operations could not keep up with the deposit surge. As a result, the bank bought over $80 billion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) with these deposits for its hold-to-maturity (HTM) portfolio – with an average yield of 1.56%.

These MBS lost value due to the US central bank’s continued raising interest rates. This resulted from investors’ ability to purchase long-term “risk-free” bonds from the Fed for a 4-5% yield. Nine times in 2022, the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates steadily to rein in inflation. Bond yields often increase as interest rates rise. Due to their safety, yields become more appealing than equities after crossing a certain threshold. Bonds became more appealing to investors due to growing interest rates and yields, which decreased the value of the bonds owned by banks. Bond prices and yields have the opposite relationship.

The graph shows the distribution of  different funding types of silicon valley bank.

Why did they rush to the bank?

It is hard to nail down the precise cause of a run; crowd psychology is at play. Yet after the bank announced a capital raise and the sale of a large fraction of securities at a loss, concerns might have surfaced. The bank catered to startups in the technology and venture capital. Because they were corporate deposits, several exceeded the $250,000 insurance cap the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp set. SVB’s uninsured deposits exceeded more than $150 billion at the previous year’s end.

Several SVB clients started withdrawing money from the bank to fulfil their liquidity needs. Interest rates forced initial public offerings, another method of raising capital for startups, to come to a screeching halt in the US. To continue allowing withdrawals, the lender was compelled to look into its alternatives for raising money. In the hours before the bank’s collapse, the run worsened as several startups attempted to withdraw money. Many failed while others were successful, which exacerbated the fear and compelled the FDIC to take charge.

SVB Might Have Been Able To Hold Onto Paper Losses Until Rates Fell

The bank might have theoretically gotten by letting securities mature and getting its money back. It’s possible that until things changed, deposits were being released rather steadily. But, after a spike in deposit withdrawals, it didn’t have that time.

The bank then faced a tidal wave of $42 billion in deposit withdrawal requests last week. It failed to raise funds needed to cover the outflows, prompting regulators to respond with force.

Unsuccessful fundraising effort

SVB liquidated a $22 billion bond portfolio made up primarily of US Treasuries, whose values had fallen due to the Fed’s tightening of monetary policy, in an effort to pay for the redemption. The lender was compelled to record a $1.8 billion loss. SVB attempted to close the gap by financing $2.25 billion by selling preferred convertible stock and equity but was unsuccessful. The lender rushed to secure alternative finance on Friday by selling the business.

Where did the uninsured deposits end up?

The FDIC announced on Friday that SVB-insured depositors would have access to their money by Monday am at the latest. The original statement stated that uninsured depositors would first receive a dividend and then receivership certificates for any outstanding balances that might be paid out over time, implying that payback wasn’t guaranteed. But then, on Sunday, the FDIC said it would use a “systemic risk exemption” to cover the uninsured deposits of SVB and Signature, together with the Treasury Department and Secretary Janet Yellen, and President Biden. On Monday morning, customers could also access their deposits.

Immediate Impact: VC Market

The immediate impact of inaccessible bank accounts on the VC market Startups that kept operating funds with SVB would have experienced an existential crisis. Due to a significant lack of available cash induced by the delayed fund raising climate, the VC sector was already in a complicated situation. The good news was that business were able to access the total amount of their deposits on Monday, for the beginning of a successful operation. With a backup finance plan, many firms could get capital quickly. The $152.0 billion in uninsured deposits SVB includes startup companies’ working capital.

There was an immediate operational issue for businesses that need to pay wages or pay for the usage of services, whether or not all that capital was eventually recovered. Investors would have major impact by the loss of portfolio firms. Not just by corporate closures, had access to this money been lost. Due to limited partners’ lowered confidence in the venture market due to these losses, there would have been fewer investment vehicles available and a more pronounced decline in short term venture funding.

Impact on Depositors and Investors

Bank deposits of up to $250,000 per depositor per bank for each account section undergo insured by FDIC. Silicon Valley Bank accounts with $250,000 deposits would get their money back. Unfortunately, most of the funds in Silicon Valley Bank were uninsured as they had more than $250,000 of deposits. 

However, investors won’t be so lucky, as those who own stock in SVB Financial Group may not get their money back.

Implications for the venture lending market

The abrupt fall of SVB significantly impacts VC-backed start ups that currently hold a loan contract with the bank. Especially when it is unclear when the bank will get sold and whether existing loan terms and conditions will be honoured when an acquirer steps in. SVB has provided debt solutions to start ups across the venture ecosystem, ranging from pre-revenue, early-stage startups to late-stage ones, with up to $75 million in recurring revenues. In 2022, SVB issued $6.7 billion of venture debt, making up 9% of its loan portfolio. This type of debt is “investor-dependent” (ID), meaning that loan origination is contingent upon the existing investors’ commitment to a company’s future success. 

The bank’s collapse has had a particularly detrimental effect on early-stage startups that have yet to develop vital financial metrics and primarily rely on their investor syndicate to secure debt. For years, startups in nascent stages of development had access to term loans from SVB with low-interest rates and ample structural flexibility. With its collapse, early-stage startups without a steady revenue stream will likely encounter severe headwinds seeking alternative debt financing. Late-stage companies, on the other hand, face a different set of issues. Not only do these companies require larger loan packages, which makes borrowing from debt funds even more costly, but the private credit market, a significant player in debt financing for companies operating at a more developed stage, also faces market uncertainty. This is thus adding another layer of challenges. Percentage-wise, the bank has been shrinking the weight of its venture debt portfolio.

Timeline Of The Collapse

The SVB crash happened rapidly throughout just a couple of days. Following is a timeline of events: 

March 8: SVB announced its $1.8 billion loss on its bond portfolio and planned to sell both common and preferred stock to raise $2.25 billion. 

March 9: The stock of SVB Financial Group, which is the holding company of SVB, crashed at the market opening. Other major banks’ stock prices also took a hit. 

March 10: SVB Financial Group stock trading gets halted. Federal regulators announced a takeover of the bank.

March 17: The parent company of Silicon Valley Bank, SVB Financial Group filed for bankruptcy.

March 26: First Citizens Bank acquired all of Silicon Valley Bridge Bank except for $90 billion of securities and other assets that remained in FDIC receivership.

Source :S&P CApital IQ

Key takeaways

• Over nearly 40 years, SVB has become many successful venture startups’ leading lenders and banking partners. This brand recognition and trust resulted in SVB amassing more than $175 billion in total deposits. Since liquidity options for many startups dried up, these enterprises began to rely heavily on fund withdrawals from their bank accounts to extend the runway. To fund these withdrawals, SVB forced to sell many Treasuries and other securities. This devalued due to recent interest rate hikes. Fearing for the safety of their capital, depositors began to withdraw their funds in bulk. SVB could not fulfil withdrawal requests, and the FDIC seized the bank on March 10. Fortunately, the Fed assured all depositors that 100% of their capital would be safe and accessible by Monday.

• SVB’s failure further tightens the squeeze on an already sluggish venture market. Quarterly capital invested fell over 60%. And the deal count was down almost 25%, despite high relative numbers on a historical basis. Re-allocating resources and banking will only lead to a further slowdown in the financing market in Q1 2023. Bank loans were mostly made to GPs in both VC and PE. Thus allowing these funds to access capital more quickly for deals. 

• The lightning strike of SVB’s collapse led to concerns over a possible contagion effect. Mainly on other regional banks collectively suffering from the same unintended consequences of the Fed’s interest rate hikes. Now that the lender of choice for many investors for decades suddenly gone. So it expects to see startups and investors looking to raise funds from non-bank lenders. While it remains unclear what will happen to companies with loan contracts with SVB. As an acquisition is yet to announce,  VC-backed startups rush to raise debt from non-bank entities may push prices higher.

 • Besides SVB’s venture debt portfolio wasn’t the primary cause of the bank’s abrupt fall, the critical role the bank has been playing in venture lending. It sounded alarms to active players in the venture market. For example, Hercules Capital is one of the largest business development companies that focus on venture lending. It released a business update in response to SVB’s collapse on Monday morning. Venture debt lenders will likely receive intensified inquiries and closer scrutiny in the short term. 

What is creeping up next?

The sale of SVB proceedings will be under careful observation. The focus will also shift to longer-term concerns about the soundness of banks that investors are already raising. If interest rates continue where they are, the Fed’s borrowing facility may address immediate liquidity needs. Still, it won’t be able to restore the value of banks’ securities portfolios. In many ways, banks had slipped Washington’s attention in the years following the financial crisis.


1.)What led to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank?

The bank’s balance sheets were overexposed, causing it to sell bonds at a loss to pay the withdrawal. And its biggest customers withdrew deposits rather than borrow at higher interest rates, which caused the bank to go bankrupt.

2.)Why did Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank fail?

Clients of SVB were withdrawing deposits faster than the bank could cover them with cash reserves, so it opted to sell $21 billion of its securities portfolio at a $1.8 billion loss to meet its obligations. The lender tried to raise more than $2 billion in new capital due to the drain on equity capital.

3.)What occurs to SVB staff members? Can SVB bounce back?

Key executives were fired, including Greg Becker, the CEO. Regulators are currently unwinding the bank and asking a lot of other staff to perform the same duties as they did before. Regulators may attempt to reclaim funds used to cover deposits by selling the bank. The SVB Financial Group’s larger business also include other areas that may auctioned off, like an investment bank.

4.)Could the bankruptcy of SVB trigger a recession?

The unsecured deposit guarantee may limit immediate effects, such as businesses holding money at SVB. Yet, lending that would tie up their resources could restricted if other banks are concerned about their capital or deposits. Still, the events altering the Federal Reserve’s rate of interest rate hikes is a key question.